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TikTok video shows how they clone your cards without you noticing

The TikTok user, Gustavo Rodríguez identified on the social network as @gusyrodr, showed in a video how it is that clone the cards. It was clear that the user was quite angry after going to a store and going to pay at the terminal placed in front of the cashier.

The boy arrives in front of the Point of Sale Terminal (POS) and raises what appears to be a protector which has a whole circuit inside that connects and perfectly fits the terminal.

This is one of the systems that criminals use to get user information and be able to steal the money they have in their credit or debit cards.

How do you clone a card?

Install a “protector” which is a device where they clone cards.

Unfortunately, there are many devices designed to clone cards, including the tampered protective case seen on the video from tik tok.

This device is installed by criminals in ATMs, gas stations and convenience stores, places where people pay with cards.

Now, to detect an adulterated device you must look at:

  • lack of stamps
  • Missing serial number
  • forced entries
  • different screen menu

What happens if my card was cloned? After a card clone, the first thing that will appear are the unrecognized charges, criminals can also empty the money that is on the card.

It may interest you: Card cloning: Condusef alerts for new forms of fraud

How can I find out if my card has been cloned?

Unacknowledged charges are the first indications.

Unfortunately, the Credit and debit cards they are the targets of criminals, therefore they have made an effort to improve pirate systems with which they clone cards, for example The Truth News You have mentioned card cloning in bank terminals.

But if your debit card is cloned, you get your money back in approximately five days after filing the complaint with the bank, however, it will take up to 45 days for the investigation to take place.

If your fear now is “They cloned my card and bought online“The first thing you should do is contact your bank to notify the situation, since the bank is responsible for cloned cards, since it is one of the situations that most often happens.

You should know that the penalty for card cloning in Mexico It is imprisonment from three to nine years and fines from thirty thousand to three hundred thousand Units of Measurement and Update.

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