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TikTok: you can now send private messages to all users

TikTok is primarily a video sharing platform, but the social network is increasingly looking like its competitors. Indeed, you can now send private messages to all TikTok users.

The Chinese social network banned from several American universities has discreetly improved its instant messaging system. Even if TikTok is above all a platform for sharing videos, the giant wants to look more and more like its competitors. Indeed, users can now send private messages to everyoneeven those they don’t follow on the platform.

TikTok © Hello I’m Nik / Unsplash

This feature is not new. TikTok first tried it in November with a handful of users. Now, users have received an email from TikTok informing them of the novelty of instant messaging.

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TikTok’s instant messaging gradually resembles that of other networks

With this new feature, you can send messages to any user of TikTok and not just your friends. Of course, this feature is optional. It only activates with users who choose to make their inbox public.

For those who do not want to receive messages from strangers, they can only accept the private messages of subscribers they follow themselves and recommended friends. This list of recommended friends is based on synced contacts and Facebook friends.

If you enable the feature and a user you don’t follow sends you a message, it will appear in message requests. You can then decide to accept the message, delete it or report it. So it works similar to instagramfor example.

For TikTok, whose use of personal data still worries the FBI, the goal is to keep as many users as possible on its platform. If they can send each other private messages and videos, they no longer need to go through another social network to communicate.

Finally you can change your direct messaging settings from your profile settings. In the “Privacy” menu, select “Direct messages” and choose who can send you messages on TikTok.

Source : 9to5Mac

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