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Til Schweiger: Alcohol! Force! Scandal! Was this video a cry for help?

Von: Sven Kuschel, Eileen Primis, Nicole Richter, Iris Rosendahl and Michael Schacht

These allegations bring Film-Titan Til Schweiger (59) to falter.

Serious allegations against the creators of the screen hit “Manta Manta – Zwoter Teil”. According to Der Spiegel, numerous anonymous employees accuse Schweiger of behaving like an “emperor” while filming.

Emotional outbursts, heavy drinking, not giving a damn about working hours – and even violence against an employee and sexism (see below). Allegedly, Schweiger hit a high-ranking employee in the face during the “Manta Manta” shoot in the summer of 2022 after an argument. Allegedly, Schweiger was too drunk to work.

In a “Spiegel” article, serious allegations are made against director and actor Til Schweiger

Foto: action press

The actor and director could not be reached for a BILD inquiry about the allegations. But SHE says: With Nora Tschirner (41), Schweiger celebrated a mega success in 2007 in “Keinohrhasen”. On Instagram she says: “A lot of people have confided in the ‘mirror’ and talked about the situation in the film industry, which those responsible have declared to be null and void.”

Tschirner continues: “I have to say: I’m not in the mood for it anymore. With a few exceptions, it has been an absolutely open secret for everyone in the industry for decades that these conditions prevail.” Schweiger does not directly name Tschirner.

Nora Tschirner on the Schweiger scandal “I’m not doing it anymore”

The star is loved by many viewers and hated by some filmmakers. His drinking? Sometimes smiled at on TV. Bettina Böttinger (66) welcomed Schweiger as a guest at the Kölner Treff (WDR) in March: “We start with him, who fortunately came, although he (…) celebrated so much last night that it became a bit borderline is.”

Answer Schweiger: “It was a couple of long nights.”

Long nights? borderline? Or borderline? A “Manta Manta” actress speaks of an “atmosphere of fear”. Claims that Til freaked out on a previous film (“Dear Kurt”), called employees “shit”.

AND: According to BILD information A very prominent German actress is said to be among Schweiger’s victimswho has stood in front of the camera for him several times.

Another “Manta Manta” actor says to BILD: “Til praises enthusiastically. Then there is also a bottle of his wine as a thank you. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a cable carrier or a star.”

Does Schweiger have two faces as a boss when shooting? What role does alcohol play?

Til Schweiger (with Tina Ruland) in his new movie “Manta Manta 2”

Photo: Bernd Spauke/obs

A lawyer for Schweiger tells the “Spiegel” that rumors that have been circulating for years have been wrongly presented as actual. Constantin Film Distribution, which brought “Manta Manta” to the cinemas, describes it as “mainly incomplete and distorted, sometimes simply wrong”. It was about “alleged facts that did not exist” that Schweiger was “not aware of”.

At the end of 2023, the distributor will bring another Schweiger film to the cinema. “The Best is Yet to Come” came before “Manta Manta”.

According to BILD information, Constantin Film is currently not planning any further projects by and with Schweiger.

Til Schweiger’s drunk video

A call for help?

At the beginning of April, clips appeared on Instagram that showed Til Schweiger (59) obviously very drunk. In it, the star was happy about the “Manta Manta” success, addressed his words to film colleague Tina Ruland (56), remembered the casting for the first part more than 30 years ago.

Schweiger’s text for the video message was hard to decipher

Photo: tilschweiger/Instagram

Schweiger babbles: “I’m just celebrating. I haven’t slept for three nights now. Every night I make up my mind, I’ll sleep – I don’t sleep again.” And further: “My friends say: Til, watch out, you’re not immortal either. But you know what, I love my life.”

Fans commented on the scenes with concern. Schweiger deleted the scenes.

When do I drink too much?

If three out of six criteria apply in a year, doctors speak of alcoholism: desire/compulsion for alcohol, no control over consumption, alcohol has priority, constants (family/work) are neglected), drinking despite damage to health, development of tolerance, withdrawal symptoms .

Limit for “too much”: twelve grams of alcohol/day (0.1 l wine) for women; Men: 24 grams (0.5 l beer). ⇥jem

Specialist advice: Prof. Jens Reimer (54)

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