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Til Schweiger: “We have a Kinski again!” This is how the case moves the readers.

Germany is discussing the Til Schweiger case. Also move on the social media channels of BILD the accusations the users – and divide the audience.

Many commentators stand by him, criticizing what they see as partially prejudiced media reporting – others feel confirmed in their long-standing, negative opinion of Schweiger. And: A number of users have sympathies for him because he had spoken out against government measures during the corona pandemic. It is often assumed that the harshness of some criticism is also related to his political statements.

A synopsis.

“I’ve never been a fan of Schweiger. However, he doesn’t seem to budge. Says what he thinks and also very clearly. I like it.” Heiko Ame

“Woo-hoo! We have a Kinski again. It’s a bit smaller and mumbling, but you can’t do everything at once.” Andrew Brecht

“You’re talking about a human being here – a little more respect would be great. Maybe he’s just sick and no one in his circle of friends is taking care of him.”Heiko Barkmann

“These people have never been in a professional kitchen or anything like that – there’s a lot of yelling when things don’t go as they should. When it comes to films, I can even understand it – every day of shooting costs a lot of money.” Helmi Mucha

“Never liked him or his films and he’s a lousy actor to boot. In addition, I absolutely trust him with the behavior described.” Jurgen Hochkoppler

“Having your own opinion and not letting yourself be bent, even if it’s not convenient – that’s also called character. That makes him likeable and human again for me. Of course, he certainly makes mistakes when dealing with people.” Mario Ringling

“It has been known for years that Til Schweiger is said to have a valid alcohol problem. Funnily enough, nobody ever cared. Only since he has been increasingly critical has this been brought out. So is it really about naming grievances on film sets, publicly supporting possible victims of Schweiger’s outbursts – or is it simply about public discrediting at the right time?” Olli Bremer

“Would have done better with cargo bikes.” Peter Becker

The guy has been overrated and courted by too many people for years, so he thinks he can do anything. Hopefully this is over now. Julia Mueller

“First of all, these are just allegations.” Evi Bruss

“My son was a bit actor in Schweiger’s film ‘Class Reunion’. He was 13 at the time and enthusiastic about Til Schweiger. He was super friendly and open during the shoot. My son had a lot of fun with it. We cannot confirm the statements.”Silvia Scheunert

“Til is definitely more sociable than Klaus Kinski ever was.” Markus Kern

“The hunt is on for Til. Someone leans out of the window and criticizes the climate terrorists and the government – and the answer follows promptly. Thank you Til for the words. It couldn’t have been said better.” Angelica Young

“Well, he’ll be 60 this year, so he’ll calm down…” Bastian Hohmann

“The man is the bottom drawer. He enjoys insulting people and denying them their existence.”Jürgen Arnold

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