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Time change: after a weekend of confusion, Lebanon will switch to daylight saving time

The transition to summer time, postponed to next month at first, will finally be implemented “in the night from Wednesday to Thursday”, a few days late.

Lebanon will finally switch to summer time on Thursday, the government announced on Monday, reversing its decision to postpone the change of time for a month which had plunged the population into confusion. This decision “will take effect overnight from Wednesday to Thursday,” Prime Minister Najib Mikati announced on Monday after a cabinet meeting.

This country, already plunged into a deep political and economic crisis, woke up on Sunday divided around the change of time, part of the country refusing to comply with the government’s decision to delay the transition to the summer time.

“Lighten (the day) of fasting in the month of Ramadan”

The postponement decision had angered Christian political and religious leaders and accentuated the community divide in this multi-confessional country. The government of Najib Mikati had taken this decision Thursday, while the transition to summer time was scheduled for the night of Saturday to Sunday, without giving the reason.

“This decision was intended to lighten (the day) of fasting in the month of Ramadan”, which extends from sunrise to sunset, explained Najib Mikati on Monday, deploring “odious community reactions”.

At the call in particular of the Maronite patriarchate, the most powerful Christian community in Lebanon, part of the country had refused to comply with the postponement announced last week. The two main Christian parties, the Lebanese Forces and the Free National Movement, also protested against the Prime Minister’s decision.

The patriarchy “took this position so as not to accentuate the isolation of Lebanon”, explained to AFP its spokesman, Walid Ghayad.

Disruptions since Sunday

Thus Lebanon woke up under two time zones on Sunday, which caused disruptions in international flights or foreign-related institutions, with many countries switching to summer time on Sunday.

The decision caused disruptions to international flights or foreign-related institutions. The national airline, Middle East Airlines, for example, announced that it “advanced the scheduled flight times by one hour” from Beirut.

The powerful network of Catholic schools has indicated that its establishments will follow daylight saving time from Monday.

Two of the largest private television channels, MTV and LBCI, also switched to daylight saving time from Saturday to Sunday, explaining that the government’s decision would have had an impact on their operations.

“The problem is not winter or summer time”

Najib Mikati, a Sunni Muslim at the head of a resigning cabinet, has de facto ruled the country since the mandate of the President of the Republic, a Maronite Christian, expired nearly five months ago.

“Let’s be clear. The problem is not winter or summer time (…) the problem is the vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic”, underlined Najib Mikati, calling on the deputies to assume their responsibilities and elect a president.

Deeply divided, Parliament has already met 11 times without being able to agree on the election of a president.

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