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Tip of the day: “air raid shelter”, better than “air raid”

Tip of the day: “air raid shelter”, better than “air raid”

In a world governed by immediacy, it would seem that the orthography has ceased to be relevant, however, writing coherent texts and without misprints it will always be beneficial in all areas.

At work, the write correctly lets others see the skills and knowledge that a person possesses; In addition, it helps to build an optimal image through which you can appear more serious and reliable. Having spelling and syntax errors can, on the contrary, give a negative thought that it would make you look careless or unprepared.

On the other hand, having the ability to write a well-written text also speaks of personality, by showing interest in always building a good communication bridge with the interlocutors.

although write well It is not an easy task, it requires a lot of practice and knowing the structures of the languageso reading can be a great support for the richness of the lexicon.

In this sense, the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) it has become the most important institution for linguistic regularization, through the promulgation of norms to promote the linguistic unity of the Spanish-speaking world.

The Urgent Spanish Foundation (Fundéu)a non-profit institution whose objective is to promote the proper use of Spanish in the media, has partnered with the RAE and constantly issues various recommendations on its website so that citizens can resolve their doubts about how to spell a certain word correctly, how to use an expression or tips on various topics.

Uses and examples

AntiaircraftNo aerialis the adjective indicated to indicate that a shelter is prepared to protect from aircraft attacks.

However, examples such as the following are found in the media: “It is part of the rehabilitation project of the old air shelter”, “The interior of the air shelter has been preserved in perfect condition” or “Two visits will be made to shelters air”.

HeSpanish dictionary define antiaircraft as ‘intended for defense against enemy aircraft or to mitigate the effects of their attack’ and offers example sequence air-raid shelterwhich record besides combinatorial dictionaries such as networks or the Practical. It is an adjective formed from the prefix anti- (‘opposite’) and the base aerial (‘of or relating to aviation’).

As academic grammar details, this type of training it has specialized in designating what is intended to be prevented or avoided; in this case, the attacks of enemy ships. As it is more accurate, it is recommended to use itrather aerialin combination with shelter.

Thus, in the examples it would have been preferable to write “It is part of the rehabilitation project of the old bomb shelter”, “The interior of the bomb shelter has been preserved in perfect condition” and “Two visits will be made to bomb shelters”.

What does the RAE do?


Founded in Madrid in 1713 at the initiative of the eighth Marquis of Villena, Juan Manuel Fernández Pacheco y Zúñiga, the RAE is the institution that seeks to preserve the proper use and unity of a language constantly evolving and expanding.

Its most recent statutes (updated in 1993) establish that the main function of the Royal Academy is “to ensure that the Spanish language, in its continuous adaptation to the needs of the speakers, don’t break your essential unity”.

This commitment has been embodied in the so-called Pan-Hispanic linguistic policy, shared with the other 22 corporations that are part of the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language (ASALE), created in Mexico in 1951.

Currently, the institution is made up of 46 academics, including the director and the other positions of the Governing Board, elected for temporary mandates.

One of the criticisms that have been made of the RAE is its refusal to recognize words or expressions that have emerged among the younger generations, especially as a result of the appearance of social networks. One of the most recent controversies is the recognition of the inclusive language.

However, in 2020 it decided to launch the Word Observatory, a digital repository that offers information on words or meanings of words and expressions that do not appear in the Dictionary of the Spanish Language (DLE), but which have raised doubts as to their validity. its use, such as neologisms, foreign words, technical terms, regionalismsamong others.

The information contained in the Observatory is provisional as it is not included in academic works, so it may be modified and change over time, but this does not imply that its use is accepted.


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