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Tips to stay safe before, during and after a flood

Tips to stay safe before, during and after a flood

Floods are the most common natural disaster in the US. That’s why it’s important that you know what to do before, during, and after you’re caught in a flood, including a flash flood.

Scroll below for a complete guide on what to know if you are in a flood situation.

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Floods, as defined by the National Weather Serviceare the temporary overflow of water on land that is normally dry.

A subcategory of flooding is a flash flood, which is essentially a violent flash flood that can take minutes to hours to develop. Keep in mind that it is possible to experience flash flooding in areas that did not immediately receive rain.

But what is the difference between a Flood Watch and a Flood Warning issued by the National Metereological Service? According to NWS:

  • Flash Flood Warning: Take Action! A flash flood watch is issued when a flash flood is imminent or occurring. If you are in an area prone to flooding, move to high ground immediately. A flash flood is a sudden, violent flood that can take minutes to hours to develop. It is even possible to experience a flash flood in areas that do not immediately receive rain.
  • Flood Warning: Take Action! A flood watch is issued when the hazardous weather event is imminent or already occurring. A flood warning is issued when flooding is imminent or occurring.
  • Flood Watch: Be Prepared: A Flood Watch is issued when conditions are favorable for a specific hazardous weather event to occur. A Flood Watch is issued when conditions are favorable for flooding. It does not mean that flooding will occur, but it is possible.
  • Flood Warning: Beware: A flood watch is issued when a specific weather event is forecast to become a nuisance. A flood watch is issued when flooding is not expected to be severe enough to warrant a warning. However, it can cause significant inconvenience and, if care is not taken, could lead to situations that can endanger life and/or property.


ready.gova national public service campaign launched in 2003 to educate on preparing for, responding to, and mitigating emergencies from natural and man-made disasters, says that preparing for a flood includes “make a plan for your home, including your petsso you and your family know what to do, where to go, and what you’ll need to protect yourself from flooding Learn and practice evacuation routes, shelter plans, and response to flash floods Gather supplies, including non-perishable food, cleaning supplies, and water for several days, in case you need to leave immediately or if services are cut off in your area.

It’s also important to store vital documents in a waterproof container, as well as set up password-protected digital copies, advises, adding that valuables should be moved to higher levels, drains and gutters cleared, and check valves must be installed. also advises considering a battery-powered sump pump to move water from your basement out of your home.

Also, if you live in an area prone to flooding, a flood insurance policy is recommended. Keep in mind that homeowners insurance policies don’t cover flooding, and it typically takes up to 30 days for a policy to kick in, so be sure to purchase the policy before a disaster occurs, according to


Water levels and water flow rates can change rapidly and without warning during a flood.

Because of this, the NWS advises everyone to remain vigilant and informed by monitoring local weather conditions via radio or television, as well as through local warning systems for current emergency information and flood instructions.

According to him National Metereological Serviceduring a flood:

  • Stay informed – listen to radio and TV, including NOAA Weather Radio if possible, check the internet and social media for information and updates.
  • Move to higher ground: If you live in an area prone to flooding or are camping in a low-lying area, move to higher ground immediately.
  • Obey Evacuation Orders: If you are ordered to evacuate, do so immediately. Lock your house when you leave. If you have time, turn off utilities and appliances.
  • Practice electrical safety: Do not enter a basement or any room if water covers electrical outlets or if cords are submerged. If you see sparks or hear buzzing, crackling, clicking, or popping noises, get out! Stay away from water that may have electricity!
  • Avoid Flood Waters: Do not walk through flood waters. It only takes 6 inches of moving water to bring it down. If you are trapped by moving water, go to the highest possible point and call 911 if possible. DO NOT drive on flooded roads or around a barricade.

The New Jersey Office of Emergency Management also lists basic flood safety tips, including:

  • Avoid areas that are already flooded and areas subject to flooding. Find higher ground.
  • Never try to drive through swift water.
  • Never ignore barriers that warn of flooded or dangerous roads.
  • If floodwaters rise around your car or the car stalls, abandon the car and move to higher ground if you can do so safely. Many deaths occur when people and cars are swept away by floodwaters.
  • Do not park or camp along streams and other bodies of water, especially during threatening conditions.
  • Be very careful at night when flood hazards are more difficult to recognize.
  • Do not walk through a flowing stream if the water is higher than your ankles. If you come across this, stop, turn around and go another way.
  • Never attempt to walk or swim through swift water, seek higher ground instead.
  • Keep children away from floodwater.
  • Floods can also cause health risks due to pollution or electricity.

In the meantime, in addition to the safety tips above, the New York State Office of Emergency Management it also advises residents to know where shelters are located. Also, before there is a flood, electrical appliances that cannot be moved should be unplugged. However, DO NOT touch them if you are wet or standing in water, and if you are told to turn off your water, gas, or electricity before evacuating your residence, do so.


It is important to stress that you should not attempt to drive on flooded roads or around a barricade.

The water may be deeper than it appears and may hide hazards such as sharp objects, washed-out road surfaces, power lines, chemicals, etc., the NWS warns.

To put into perspective how dangerous it is to drive on flooded roads, NWS says a fast-moving vehicle caught in water can be swept away in seconds. 12 inches of water can float a car or small SUV. Meanwhile, 18 inches of water can wash away large vehicles. it also advises drivers to stay away from bridges over fast-moving water because the force of the water can wash away these structures without warning.

However, if you’re stuck in a building during flood conditions, get to the highest level, according to Only go on the roof if you have to. Once there signal for help. However, do not go up into a closed attic to avoid being trapped by rising flood waters.

If you go on foot, the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management emphasizes that you should not cross a flowing stream if the water is higher than your ankles. If you come across this, stop, turn around and go another way. Also, never attempt to hike or swim in swift water, seek higher ground instead.


Being aware of your surroundings is just as essential after a flood as it is before and during one. advise:

  • Pay attention to the authorities for information and instructions: only return home when the authorities say it is safe.
  • Avoid driving except in emergencies.
  • Wear proper gear during cleanup such as thick-soled shoes, long pants, and work gloves, wear appropriate face coverings or masks if cleaning up specific debris such as mold. Children should not participate in disaster cleanup work.
  • People with asthma and other lung conditions and/or immune suppression should not enter buildings with indoor water leaks or mold growth that can be seen or smelled.
  • Be aware that snakes and other animals may be in your house.
  • Be aware of the risk of electrocution. Do not touch electrical equipment if it is wet or if you are standing in water. Turn off electricity to avoid electric shock if it is safe to do so.
  • Avoid wading in floodwater, which may be contaminated and contain dangerous debris. Also, be aware that underground or downed power lines can cause electrocution.
  • Use a generator or other gasoline-powered machinery only outdoors and away from windows to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

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