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Tired of the usual meat loaf? This vegetable filling will instantly make us fall in love with it!

Tired of the usual

Sunday meatloaf with meat stewed us? If only we tried it in this vegetarian version, we would make our lunches a true work of art!

One of the easiest recipes absolutely to be prepared is that of the meatloaf. It can be tasted like second dish or how single dishbased on the filling with which we decide to stuff it.

We can really put anything inside the meatloaf. Usually meat is chosen, to create a typical tasty and very satiating filling, but there are also those who prefer to stuff it with salmon.

Today, however, we will overturn all the rules of common feeling to arrive at a new dish, a truly delicious recipe. This timeindeed, our filling will have neither meat nor fishbut some delicious vegetables with legumes nothing short of exquisite.

This dish will be perfect during the winter if hot, but also cold in summer. Plus, it’s also great for i vegetarians and for the sportsmen, as it is rich in iron and mineral salts. Let’s find out the recipe right away.

Tired of the usual meat loaf? This stuffed legumes and vegetables with cream cheese will make us touch the sky with a finger!

There are a thousand ways to prepare the filling for meatloaf, but almost all of them involve meat. The most popular recipes are those based on meat, but it can be prepared with vegetables and legumes a spectacular filling.

For the recipe you will need:

  • 300 g of pre-cooked lentils;
  • 4 or 5 bay leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons of EVO oil;
  • 1 or 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 80 g of spreadable cheese;
  • 80 g of cooked spinach;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 round puff pastry rolls;
  • paprika to taste.

Let’s focus first on the filling

The first pass to prepare our recipe will be to flavor our already cooked lentils. We will have to put them in a pot with 1 or 2 cloves of garlic to taste, a spoonful of paprika and bay leaves.

Flavor the already cooked

We close the lid and we will have to do heat it all up for at least 15 minutes. When the lentils are hot and tasty, we can drain them, remove the bay leaf and pour them into the mixer. We also add the cream cheese and spinachwhich we will have previously cooked in a pan with oil and a touch of salt.

Let’s blendthen, everything, until you get a soft compound, well blended but, at the same time, dense and full-bodied.

At this point, pour the mixture onto a work surfacealready covered with greaseproof paper.

The most delicate phase

We have to work the dough with our hands, to give it the elongated shape typical of meatloaf. Once this is done, let’s take a first layer of shortcrust pastryon which we will arrange our filling.

A first layer of shortcrust

We close everything with the other layer of brisè and we mash the sides of the meatloaf, trimming the edges superfluous with a pastry wheel. We can use the leftover pasta to prepare delicious appetizers that are also excellent for an aperitif.

We seal the edges well by working the latter with the fingertips, and finally brush everything with a beaten egg. There’s nothing left to do but start cooking.

We will then insert the all in a convection oven preheated to 180° for about 25 minutes. When the classic gilding has formed, we will be able to consider our meatloaf ready! If we are tired of the usual meat loaf, this is definitely the recipe for us!

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