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To attract luck, money and good luck, here are the foods you should never eat on New Year’s Eve!

Here’s what foods you should never eat on New Year’s

To have luck during the new year we must necessarily bring foods considered auspicious to the table. But be careful, because there are some foods, however, that can negatively affect the year. Let’s see what they are!

Only a few hours left for the most awaited evening of the year. The kitchens of the Italians are in turmoil and everything is now ready for the New Year’s Eve.

Delicious appetizers, first and second courses, fruit and desserts. For celebrate the arrival of the new year and greeting the old one in the best way, nothing should be missing on Italian tables.

These are usually simple dishes that can be prepared even the day before. Nothing difficult, but the recipes must necessarily respect some traditions.

For example, they absolutely cannot be missed of the lucky ingredients. Foods that have a precise meaning and that they are considered auspicious.

What are lucky foods according to popular beliefs

What a New Year’s Eve dinner would be without the classics lentils. Since their shape remember the one of a coinaccording to tradition, the more lentils you eat, the more money there will be in the new year.

Even the rice it is considered a good omen food. It symbolizes abundance and fertility. We also bring red pepper to the table. Its shape recalls that of the lucky horn, useful for warding off the evil eye.

Other foods that cannot be missed are the green leafy vegetables that remember the color of dollars, grapes, dried fruit and pork. All foods that have a positive meaning.

To attract luck, money and good luck, here are the foods not to bring to the table on New Year’s Eve

But not everyone knows that on the tables of the New Year’s Eve dinner, they shouldn’t absolutely appear some foods. According to popular beliefs they could negatively affect the coming year.

But let’s see what foods we’re talking about.

The first food to be absolutely banned is

The first food to be absolutely banned is the chicken and in general all volatile. According to the superstitious creed, the wings of these animals they would take away your luck.

With great amazement even the much loved ones shrimp would fall into this category. If we want to avoid bad luck we shouldn’t bring them to the table.

But why?

The reason is very simple. Crayfish, when faced with danger, swim backwards. In some popular beliefs, this behavior would lead misfortunes and theinability to progress.

Of course, only these shellfish are banned. The other fish are welcome on the New Year’s Eve menu, as long as they swim forward.

We also talk about bread. In some countries, eat it empty on New Year’s Eve, it would be a harbinger of bad luck.

Beware of the pepper

In the previous lines we have recommended eating the chili pepper on New Year’s Eve because it would help drive away bad luck. But beware, on New Year’s Eve, we make sure that each diner has his own personal chilli pepper. According to popular beliefs, pass it among the guestsit means to argue and end a friendship.

Each diner must have his own personal

If we want the new year to start off on the right foot and to attract luck, money and good luck, here are the foods we should avoid eating on New Year’s Eve. Of course we are talking about popular beliefs and superstitious rituals.

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