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To break the market? Colo Colo Femenino thinks of Estefanía Banini

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Colo Colo Femenino continues to build thinking about the 2023 season and in the last hours, a name that is part of the Cacique’s history, such as Estefanía Banini, emerges as an option for the approaching new season.

© ArchiveEstefanía Banini can be a reinforcement of Colo Colo Femenino

Colo Colo Femenino will begin their preseason in the coming weeks thinking about their participation in the National Championship, where they will have to defend the title, and in the Copa Libertadores, which will be played in Colombia. Thus, from the Cacique they are thinking of Estefanía Banini to reinforce the squad.

During the week, and through the different social networks various player renewals have been announced who were a key piece in Luis Mena’s scheme. To this is added, that on Wednesday 25, they announced to Ryann Torrero and Yessenia Lopez as the new players who will join the Albo team.

Yes, as he assures RedGol FemIt would not be all, since the concessionaire continues to think of new soccer players who can arrive at Pedrero in 2023. One of them would be Estefanía Banini, who already has steps through Macul and that she was champion of the Copa Libertadores with the Eternal Champion in 2012.

According to the sports portal, the name of the argentinian playerwho currently plays for Atlético de Madrid in Spain and won a total of eight titles with Colo Colo, It arose again to be able to be a signing in the Colocolino team.

What other players sound like to reinforce Colo Colo Femenino?

In addition to the name of Banini, Popular also thinks of other positions that need to be reinforced in order to compete in the Copa Libertadores. Thus, the same portal indicates that the names of the goalkeeper Javiera Díaz, Corina Clavijo and Alexia Gallardo sound in Macul to arrive this year at the group led by Luis Mena.

Finally, it should be mentioned that there is still no official date for the start of the National Women’s Tournament, but it is speculated that it will be in the month of March.

Check the first DaleAlbo Vlog of 2023

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