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To polarize with Javier Milei, Sergio Massa promotes a law to prohibit the sale of organs

To polarize with Javier Milei, Sergio Massa promotes a law to prohibit the sale of organs

Sergio Massa decided to use Congress to polarize with his presidential challenger Javier Miley: the national deputy Ramiro Gutierrezone of the referents of the Renovation Front, presented a bill on Tuesday to clarify and expand the ban on selling organs, which the libertarian candidate proposed to enable.

“It’s just another market,” Milei justified his idea a year ago and caused a complaint from the owner of Incucai, Carlos Soratti, who considered it a crazy proposal. Although the idea was not included in the electoral platform of La Libertad Avanza, Milei may have to explain it in the coming weeks if Gutiérrez’s project reaches the precinct and forces him to take a stand.

Together for Change should also mark a position in the debate, because the Criminal Legislation commission, where the treatment would begin, is chaired by Maria Lujan Reyof the PRO.

The project modifies the current law on organ, tissue and cell transplantation (27,447), which as it is drafted only allows penalizing the sale of organs if doctors and assistants are involved. With this law, all members of the chain of extraction, commercialization, storage, distribution and illegal implantation of human organs and tissues will be affected.

The classification of the determiner, the instigator, the promoter, the facilitator, the participant in the sale of organs and the recipient of “bad faith” is also incorporated. The penalties are between three and ten years in prison; and up to 12 in professionals, with the impossibility of returning to practice for life.

Two other elements of the project are the aggravating factors for crimes premeditated by three or more people and international trafficking in human organs, physical auctions, and marketing and implant tourism, a business that is growing in peripheral countries.

“What Milei does not say is that if that market is released, they will kidnap your child for a kidney. That is why it is urgent that we criminally reinforce the entire chain of extraction, commercialization, storage, distribution and illegal implantation of human organs and tissues,” Gutiérrez said during the announcement.

science and technique

Another initiative pending treatment in Deputies that will allow the ruling party to polarize with Milei is the National Science and Technology Plan 2030, a government project that was approved in the Senate in October and which consists of listing the tasks to be carried out in each area of ​​the Government until the next decade.

It was approved in the Senate in October and began to be debated on June 1 in the Committee on Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, chaired by Facundo Manes (UCR), with the presentation of the Minister of Science and Technology Daniel Filmus.

No opinion was signed and if the neurologist reconvenes the commission, the discussion will add to the speeches Milei’s proposal to eliminate the Conciet, as part of the Cabinet cut. The ruling party expects Manes to call to start the campaign. He still hasn’t made it.

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