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To save on spending, here’s how to make dish and floor cleaners with just a few ingredients

Here’s how to make detergents for dishes and

Every week we go around the shops to buy many products. We need to keep our home clean and we look for various cleaners on the shelves, perhaps on offer. We could make some at home in a simple way in the way that we will now explain.

When we go shopping we often buy all kinds of goods, especially foods such as bread, milk, fruit and vegetables. In addition to stocking the refrigerator and pantry, we also have to think about something else. To keep our house cleanIndeed, we need household appliances and also detergents.

We think above all of the floorsbut we have to wash too dishes And pots after use. What we spend every month could have a big impact on the family budget. With a few simple ingredients though, we could make some useful products at home.

To save on spending, here’s how to make dish detergent using just a few ingredients

We use pots and pans and sometimes baking trays for cooking every day. We then put the food to be eaten on the plates. At the end of the meal we therefore need to wash our dishes. There are quite a few recipes for making dish soap at home.

For the first we need them:

  • 100g of Marseille soap;
  • 50g of Green clay;
  • 50g of bicarbonate;
  • 2 tbsp starch;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice;
  • about a glass of water distilled or tap.

Grate the soap into the water e bring to a boil mixing. Turn off the heat and add the clay. After a few minutes, add the bicarbonate, starch, salt and finally the lemon juice. Mix well to combine everything and leave to cool. Pour into an airtight jar use some for washing dishes.

More homemade products for dishes and floors

We will obtain a degreasing detergent for dishes by blending 3 cut lemons, better if mature, with 4 tablespoons of salt.

3 lemons for a degreasing

Pour the mixture into a saucepan add 2 glasses of water and one of vinegar. Boil for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally. We turn off and let it cool down. We store the detergent in the refrigerator in glass jars with lids.

To save on spending, here’s how to make detergents for dishes and pots, then.

As for the stone and marble floors let’s get ourselves:

  • 100g of Solvay soda;
  • 850ml of water;
  • 2 level tablespoons of eco-friendly dish soap.

100 g of soda for marble or stone

Soda is available at home improvement and detergent stores. As for the dish soap, we could use some of your own.

In a hard plastic bottle we pour water. We put on gloves and add soda. We shake and let’s let it melt for at least 12 hours. At the end we pour the dish soap. Before use, we shake the bottle. Just put 10 ml of product for each liter of water in the bucket.

If the floors have white marks after washing them, rinse them. Next time we will be careful to use less solution to clean them.

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