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Tofu sausage, soy patty, veggie burger: production of meat substitutes has risen sharply

The trend towards alternative products for meat and sausage products continues. Last year, the production of such goods in Germany increased by 6.5 percent to 104,300 tons, as reported by the Federal Statistical Office on Wednesday.

Compared to 2019, it was even an increase of 72.7 percent. The value of the manufactured goods increased by 17.3 percent to 537.4 million euros. The number of manufacturing companies increased by 7 to 51.

With a goods value of 42.4 billion euros, however, meat production was still around 80 times greater than that for meat substitutes. According to figures already published by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, meat consumption fell last year to 52 kilograms per year and capita, the lowest level since reunification. In 2012 it was 60.9 kilograms. (dpa)

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