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Tomillo, the aromatic herb that burns grease that eliminates gases and helps to reduce cholesterol

Thyme is a herb in the soil appreciated for its aromatic properties, but also for its numerous health benefits. This plant, which comes from the Mediterranean, has been used for centuries as a condiment and to treat medical conditions. Know which ones they are.

Due to its quality in fiber and nutrients, thyme has the potential to regulate intestinal transit, reduce cholesterol and alleviate constipation. In addition, it prevents gastric and intestinal spasms, eliminating gas and stomach pain.

Thyme can also act as a natural antibiotic, due to its high load of thymol and carvacrol, which are antioxidant compounds, antifungal and antibacterial agents.

The antioxidant effects are enhanced by the polyphenols found in the thyme. These fight the free radicals that produce the aging of cells.

By itself it was little, using the thyme in an infusion can help to relieve the sore throat and itch.

How to prepare a thyme infusion

  1. Put a glass of water to drink.
  2. When starting to hervir add the thyme.
  3. Let it rest on slow fire for 15 minutes.
  4. Withdraw from the fire and let it rest for 10 more minutes.
  5. Serves.
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