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Toño Berumen must appear for alleged sexual abuse against Mauricio Martínez

After the actor Mauricio Martinez denounce the producer Antonio Berumen For alleged sexual abuse, now the singer also announced that a summons was issued against his alleged attacker.

Through a statement, Martínez indicated that an initial hearing was held this Thursday against Berumen for the crime of sexual abuse, who was not present, for which he was represented by his lawyers.

The famous affirmed that Toño Berumen has not faced the process personally and ignored the legal notifications against him.

In light of this, a judge issued a summons with the instruction that the producer appear personally on February 13 shortly after noon.

In case of not appearing again, an arrest warrant will be issued.

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The accusation was joined by several victims to proceed legally against the producer

Mauricio Martínez trusted that his case will serve as a precedent for victims of sexual abuse in the country.

“That they be inspired to raise their voices and denounce; together we can help stop one of society’s worst crimes.”

In March 2022, the singer and actor publicly denounced it for allegedly sexually assaulting him at the beginning of his artistic career.

The accusation was joined by several victims to proceed legally against the producer.

As reported by Mauricio Martínez, the producer summoned him to his house for a job interview, there Berumen touched him improperly.

“He told me ‘you’re very tense; why don’t you take a bath?’ He turned my stomach. In that he wanted to massage my neck and in the blink of an eye, his hand was already where he didn’t have to be. I pushed him, I lied to him about the mother and I ran away “recounted the famous.

Toño Berumen is known in the entertainment world for representing groups like Magneto, Kairo and Mercurio and singers like Marisela, Lucero and Fey.

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He is originally from Mexico City and studied Marketing and Advertising in New York.

For several years he has moved away from the spotlight, since he decided to dedicate himself more to spirituality and the Catholic religion, according to national media.

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