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Too much River for the Lobo de Chirola bet

Leonardo Morales had a separate duel with Salomón rondón. The wolf made a great effort but it was not enough / fotobaires

The Wolf could do little in the Monumental. Because you have to give 100% to get results and with several substitutes, it’s obvious that the team isn’t at its best. And when there is hierarchy and figures in front of him, he can do even less. Gymnastics, who lost 3-0 on their visit to River, arrived little in the first half and when they wanted to play differently in the second half, betting on some against, they almost did not kick on goal.

It was a risky bet by Chirola Romero, because the proximity between each game (50 hours between River and Belgrano, 3 games in 6 days) led the coach to a particular mix, because although there were 9 modifications, four starters returned. Of course, the departure of Ignacio Miramón and the changes in the goal and in attack could not go unnoticed.

On the move, Martín Demichelis’s team sought to put pressure on Gimnasia, not to let them think and from the recovery of the ball to generate play with Nacho Fernández and Esequiel Barco to supply Salomón Rondón (always outlined towards the goal) and Lucas Beltrán. For Chirola’s team, the game itself was quite a challenge, since they could never handle the ball, much less impose conditions at the Monumental.

Even so, the Wolf managed to thrive on the field with few passes. Thus, first Maximiliano Comba looked for the goal although his shot hit a defender. And then, around 20 minutes into the game, a tripera counter found Rodrigo Castillo entering diagonally from 7 to 9; His shot required a good save from Franco Armani. It was the clearest for the Wolf.

River, with field, ball and control of the game, could not find clarity in the definition. The excess of vehemence in the brand within the Guillermo Enrique area solved any inconvenience for the millionaire. At minute 26, Lucas Beltrán from a penalty made it 1-0 for the tournament leader that led to the result of dominance of the game.

After half an hour, a good overflow from the left put Alan Lescano in front of the goal, but his shot bounced off a defender. Gymnastics lacked an almost surgical precision to take advantage of the few possibilities in which the albiazul team was able to advance towards the World Cup Franco Armani goal.

Difficult to measure this Gymnastics. Because on the one hand, beyond being an alternative team, it lived up to the initial 45. On the other hand, he always seemed far from having any ambitions in the party. Something that in any case is not a cardinal sin considering the last performances of the Triperos in the Monumental.

The second half maintained the domain of the local, but with a significant drop in pressure from three quarters. For this reason, 13 minutes into the match, Chirola Romero opted for Franco Soldano-Cristian Tarragona as an attacking duo for Nicolás Contín and Rodrigo Castillo.

Nelson Insfrán, with a great one-on-one cover against Salomón Rondón, kept Tripero in the game. The match left the feeling that everything that cost Gymnastics enormously, in River flowed naturally when those who make a difference decided to speed up. Rodrigo Aliendro appeared from a center on the right after 20 minutes to put, with his head, the 2-0 that defined the lawsuit.

Before half an hour, the triperos coach decided to give minutes to Ivo Mammini and Leandro Mamut, a very good youth duo who played behind the blue and white strikers. River also sought to rest some headlines and shoot Matías Suárez, in addition to the income of Palavecino and José Paradela.

Faced with a mistake by Leo Morales, again Nelson Insfrán (one of the best in the Monumental) saved Gimnasia from the goal. If the match gave any chance in the future, the goalkeeper from Formosa took advantage of his opportunity.

The great goal from Matías Suárez was left for the end, with a beautiful left-footed volley that went over Insfrán. The result ended up being exaggerated for the effort of the triperos footballers, but the fair difference between an elite team and this Gymnastics team that passed through the River stadium between the illusion of an epic result and the reality of the enormous differences that exist between the two teams, increased by Chirola’s decision to “sacrifice” this game and put everything tomorrow with Belgrano.

The result ended up being exaggerated for the effort of the triperos footballers

On the move, Martín Demichelis’s team sought to put pressure on Gymnastics

From the Monumental, the analysis of Facundo Ache

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