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Top 10 documentaries to watch on Netflix

Whether you’re a fan of sports, police investigations, new technologies, or travel… Netflix has built up a catalog of quality documentaries over time. Today, we are therefore going to take stock of the 10 works that are most worth seeing on the streaming platform.

The Last Dance

This documentary series is a little gem that traces the career of GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) Michael Jordan. In ten episodes, we follow the journey of this exceptional basketball player. We learn in passing that when he arrived at the Chicago Bulls, this franchise was one of the worst in the NBA. The legend, however, took his troubles patiently and we know the rest: many sporting exploits but also rivalries and certain controversies.

Formula 1: Drivers of their destiny

This is yet another docu-series that takes us behind the scenes of Formula 1. While grand prix spectators only see a helmet, watching this documentary allows us to get to know these drivers better in their humanity. We are immersed behind the scenes of the races. You’ll never see this motorsport the same way again thanks to this series.

Making a Murderer

Steven Avery spent 18 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. A few years later, here he is again accused of a murder. Netflix’s documentary series lets us see just how out of whack the US justice system is. We do not come out completely unscathed from this viewing, but it is clearly worth the detour.

Our Planet

This documentary series allows us to travel and discover the wonders of planet Earth through its different ecosystems. You will be amazed by observing these many landscapes and the animal species that inhabit them. The production of Netflix is ​​also an opportunity to see how much human action endangers our environment and the urgency of reacting to this threat.


It is still a docu-series that we offer here. We dive into a case that turned the whole of France upside down in the 1980s. Little Grégory Villemin was found drowned in Vologne. This original creation allows us to follow the police investigation which hit the headlines and experienced many failures.

Fyre: The Best Festival That Never Happened

The Fyre Festival promised to be a standout event in the Bahamas in 2017. Attendees were sold luxury accommodations and star concerts. Billy McFarland, its instigator, promoted this appointment with many influencers and celebrities. In the end, it is a monumental fiasco that this documentary shows us.

Behind our smokescreens

In this docuseries, we delve into the dark side of social media. Nothing is spared and in particular the risks for mental health, misinformation, and the manipulation of opinions. This original creation presents the testimonials of former employees of Tech giants such as Facebook, Instagram, and Google, which gives it even more strength.

The Minimalists : Less is Now

What if our lives were better with less? This is the whole purpose of this documentary which allows us to follow the journey of Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, two friends who built a movement around minimalism. The idea is to take advantage of this philosophy of life for oneself, but also on a social and environmental level.

Don’t F**k With Cats : Un tueur trop viral

In this documentary series, we will see how a group of Internet users decided to unite to find a videographer who broadcast horrible extracts of torture and cat murders. This breathless hunt will make them discover the true identity of this individual. The latter is infamous, but we won’t tell you more so as not to spoil the surprise.

The Great Hack

The Cambridge Analytica scandal, named after the British company that profited from the exploitation of millions of Facebook users to try to influence the 2016 US presidential election, or the successful Brexit campaign, has been in the news . This documentary allows us, through numerous testimonies, to better explore this sprawling affair.

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