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Top 10 of the most common surnames in Colombia

Top 10 de los apellidos más comunes en Colombia

The surnames in Colombia They are a fascinating display of the rich diversity and mix of cultures that have shaped our country’s identity.

Colombian history is marked by a series of influencesfrom the original indigenous peoples to the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors and subsequent migrations from various parts of the world.

These influences have left an indelible mark on the names of its inhabitantsmaking Colombian surnames a testimony of its past and a sample of its present.

Origins of surnames in Colombia

Most surnames in the country have their roots in Spanish surnames.

Spanish surnames are based on a combination of personal names (patronymics) and geographical names (toponymics). For example, “Rodríguez” means “son of Rodrigo”while “García” comes from the name of an old town in Spain.

However, as the Colombian population grew and diversified, other ethnic and cultural origins also left their mark on the country’s surnames.

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Top 10 of the most common surnames

Although there are a large number of different surnamessome stand out for their frequency and popularity in the population.

According to the journalist Cesar Augusto Londonowith data from the registry, these are the 10 most popular surnames in the country:

  1. Rodriguez: 344,969
  2. Martinez: 286,182
  3. Gonzalez: 273,868
  4. Garcia: 247,072
  5. Lopez: 235,927
  6. Gomez: 232,528
  7. Perez: 231,361
  8. Hernandez: 229,774
  9. Sanchez: 206,909
  10. Diaz: 194,962

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