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Top 5 most hated zodiac signs: why you want to keep them away

Each person has their own personality that differs from the rest due to the experiences lived, the mistakes and successes made, the type of upbringing and the privileges with which they grew up, throughout their lives. Still, there are certain traits that are characteristic of his Zodiac sign.

Although judging a person by the star that governs their date of birth is not indicated, some common guidelines can be established that make each house the most beloved or the one that is sought to be avoided at all costs. Here, we bring you the top 5 of the signs of the zodiac most hated.


Gemini is part of the air element.

This Zodiac sign He tops the list for some of his personality traits that qualify him as the least liked: they tend to be liars, manipulators, unfaithful, they love to gossip and they have at least two faces. He is usually in constant search and, in that way, he can hurt many people and break many hearts. He gets bored so easily that his conquests do not last over time and he has no problem ending his ties to move on to another.


Scorpio’s element is water.

Scorpios are not only conducive to lying, but they enjoy it. In addition, they love to have power and are usually extremely controlling couples. Loyalty costs them a lot, unless they are hopelessly in love, and they find some satisfaction in hiding their deceptions, although they hate being deceived.


The element of Aries is fire.

Unlike the signs occupying the first and second place, Aries is extremely sincere. But that honesty works against him, since he is tactless and can hurt feelings a lot by telling the truth too abruptly. On the other hand, he is one of the most selfish and his independence means that he cannot have very deep relationships, people come in and out of his life as if nothing had happened. Lastly, he has a rather impulsive temperament and gets angry easily, so they can become violent.


Virgo’s element is earth.

People born under this sign They are so perfectionists that they constantly look for defects, which generates conflicts with those around them and even some self-esteem problems in their loved ones. They are so honest that they tend to hurt feelings and tend to be very critical. Sometimes, due to the great caution that they manage in their lives, they generate the feeling that they do not have the capacity to enjoy anything.


Capricorn’s element is earth.

Your obsession with business and material well-being can make you step over everyone who gets in the way and forget about those around you. Capricorns are not good at expressing their feelings and pass for very cold people. In their eagerness not to get hurt, they have no problem hurting first.

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