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Torino, domani alienamento a porte aperte al Filadelfia –

Il Torino, with an official communication, has confirmed that the transfer of Tuesday 25 April will be open to Filadelfia

A few days before the victory against Lazio, Torino issued an official statement on its own site, inviting all fans to attend on Tuesday, April 25: “Il Torino Football Club communicates that the domani’s withdrawal will take place open-air. Passa il 25 Aprile with il Toro! In this day of the festival, Filadelfia will host grandi and piccini, proudly accommunati dalla stessa passione sportiva e dall’amore per il Toro. For all the possibility of accogliere Mr. Juric and the squad, reduced the splendid victory of Rome against Lazio, in a climate of contagious enthusiasm. E poi di assistere alla technical session that will see and our calciatori già proiettati verso la next sfida di campionato, saturday 29 aprile, contro l’Atalanta. If I could, I would have access to the entrance of Via Filadelfia, starting at 11:30 am, so I can post your tutte le gradinate. Appuntamento dunque a domani: Semper Forza Toro!”.

Philadelphia, tifosi in grandstand

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