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Torino, Pellegri has a goal fame: Sanabria is saved

Il number 11 granata dopo aver segnato against Sampdoria punta a giocare contro il Monza dal prime minuto

After the victory of the Bull against Sampdoria, always più in crisis, in orbit granata tra i giocatori at the disposal of Ivan Juric di cui si è parlato di più c’è sicuramente Pietro Pellegri. If it is felt, I will speak of the attacker not for the goal scored, but mainly for the result that he has provoked and that has infuriated the typhoid fever. A piccolo case immediately rientrato perché l’attaccante if è suddenly scusato: “All of us know my story, I was born in Genoa, I grew up in Genoa and I am typhoid from Genoa, but this is what I slipped and when one slipped out of the bag, I had to be excused. Chiedo scusa alla Sampdoria, ai giocatori della Sampdoria e ai tifosi della Sampdoria”. After this parole of the capitol, it is considered chiuso and the objective of Pellegri is what I will return to speak of lui non for the provocative result caused to Marassi, but for his performance in the field. After seeing immediately a positive test against the squad of Dejan Stankovicand will return to the goal after the other six months of the last volta, Pellegri points to ascendere in the field against the undici titolari in the match against Monza.

Pellegri: the concurrence of Sanabria will not beat easily

The attaccante vuole essere tra i protagonististi del finale di campionato del Toro dopo esere stato per l’ennesima stagione molto, ma molto sfortunato, riscontrando ancora a volta diversi infortuni. Pellegri vuole will show all his value of him, also because he is most blessed to be a pupil of Juric and will not betray the trust and the esteem that the technician has always riposted in his confrontation with him. But the number 11 granata is consapevole del fatto che per riuscirci, già partire dal match contro i ragazzi di Raffaele palladinowill contend if the post with Antonio sanabria, che fino a qui ha raccolto diverse prestazioni positive. Sanabria against the other in the gara d’andata contro i brianzoli was the star of the match, cousin fornendo ad Aleksey miranchuk He assisted for the momentary 0-1, finding the way to the goal.

Pietro Pellegri

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