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Toulouse: a clandestine “fight club” filmed between students of a famous college in the city

Students from a famous college in Toulouse filmed themselves fighting around their establishment. Videos of these fights were shared by the teenagers on social media.

Violent images, shared between college students. In recent weeks, the students of the Pierre de Fermat college, a renowned establishment frequented by the Toulouse elite and located in the city center, have been engaged in clandestine fights immortalized on video. The sequences of these “fight clubs” are then shared on different WhatsApp loops.

According to the daily The Dispatchwho was able to consult several of these homemade videos shot in the streets adjacent to the school, or in laundromats, the participants do not hold back their blows and are encouraged by the dozens of people present in the public.

“We were faced with a fait accompli when a video circulated. There we were alarmed because it is very dangerous for our children. There is also for us a suspicion of harassment, even school dropout behind these fights” , told BFMTV Géraldine Artigues, president of the local council of parents of students at Pierre de Fermat college (FCPE).

The Pierre de Fermat College, in Toulouse. © BFM TV

“To have fun”

Near The Dispatch, several students admit to having “found it violent.” However, other college students procrastinate and assure BFMTV that these fights are in fact organized “for fun.”

“Clandestine fights there were two, there were two videos that were shot, they started saying it was a fight club But it’s not that. It was fights for fun”, says a schoolgirl, while a second holds the same speech:

“I don’t know why it’s taking this turn because basically it’s just fun”.

Contacted by BFMTV, neither the college nor the rectorate wished to react. In the days to come, the police will pass through the classes of the school in order to do prevention with the students, but also to find any other videos.

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