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Tourism in the Sahara: the EU ambassador bewitched by Taghit and Assekrem

The beauty of our country never ceases to captivate foreign tourists. From the Mediterranean coast to the Sahara desert, via the Hauts Plateaux, the Algerian destination has been on the rise in recent months. And it’s no surprise that the Sahara takes the lion’s share, with an increasingly large influx of visitors, especially since the simplification of the granting of visas to foreign tourists.

| READ ALSO: Saharan tourism in Algeria, simplified visas for foreigners

It must be said that the efforts have paid off, Timimoun, Béchar or even Taghit, represent so many areas that attract curious visitors in search of escape. Some are more famous than others, like EU Ambassador to Algeria, Thomas Eckert. The latter did not hesitate to go there recently and did not refrain from sharing his experience on social networks.

Assekrem, in the heart of a “corner of paradise” in the Algerian Sahara

Visiting the deep South on February 9, Thomas Eckert, official spokesperson for the European Union in Algeria, said he was overwhelmed by the beauty of the Saharan landscapes.

The representative was passing through several wilayas and did not fail to express his fascination for local habits and customs. Tamanrasset welcomed him aware of an official visit as part of a project to combat COVID-19.

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The European Union envoy visited several small villages in the wilaya, including the municipality of Abalessa. The latter ended his journey in Tamanrasset with a tourist excursion to a more remote area.

Assekrem region, located 100 km from Tamanrasset, has won over foreign diplomats with its beauty and raw charm. During this stop, the ambassador took the opportunity to take pretty shots which he did not hesitate to share on social networks.

Thus, on his Twitter account, we see him posing next to local inhabitants, but also exposing the beautiful sunset from the mountainous region overlooking Assekrem.

Thomas Eckert talks about the “breathtaking beauty” of Taghit

If the beauty of Tamanrasset dazzled him, Thomas Eckert was amazed at Taghit as well. Passing through Bechar this February 18, he took the opportunity to make a getaway in this Saharan tourist destination. The dunes and oases of Taghit were able to charm the diplomat who even devoted another post to them on his Twitter account.

Thus, in the shared photos, we see him posing in front of the magnificent desert panorama of Taghitwith its date palms and caves : “Her beauty is breathtaking”he exclaims, calling Taghit a national tourist gem.

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