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Towels, tampons or cups, what are the best products for menstruation?

Towels, tampons or cups, what are the best products for menstruation?

Although there are now more options on the market, sanitary napkins, tampons, and menstrual cups They are the most used methods, but each one has its benefits and disadvantages.

If you are considering changing or implementing a new way to dispose of menstrual blood, here we tell you more about them.

Tampons approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are meant to be used only once and then thrown away. A tampon should not be used more than once.

The recommended thing is to change it after four hours of use, maximum up to eight. This time should not be exceeded, as there is a risk of toxic shock syndrome.

“Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is rare and is caused by a toxic substance produced by certain types of bacteria. The toxic substance produced by the bacteria can cause organ damage, leading to kidney, heart, and liver failure, shock and even death”, describes the government agency on its website.

Although they are made of a ‘friendly’ material like cotton, blood pools inside the tampon and can be food for viruses and bacteria.

However, they are the favorites of many because they feel comfortable with them and the risk of leakage is reduced.

Due to their ease of use, they are usually the simplest alternative, since they only have to be glued to underwear.

They are only used once and thrown away, which for many people is an advantage, but for others it means creating a large amount of monthly waste.

Additionally, there is a monthly expense, which extends for years and impacts the pocket.

Among its advantages is savings, since you only have to buy it once and can last for close to a decade if properly maintained. It is added that it is friendly to the environment, since no waste is generated.

“Nor does it generate irritation or allergies like the cotton in the towels or the cotton they use for tampons. They are more comfortable, because one can exercise, one can go swimming, ride a bicycle, do all their daily tasks, without feeling uncomfortable,” said Kimberly Alejandra Camelo Gómez, manager of Copas Ecomujer.

Camelo, who started his business five years ago, has experienced firsthand the exponential growth in popularity of the menstrual cup. The businesswoman also attributes it to the fact that it collects more blood than the other methods and can last up to eight hours inside the vagina.

There is still a taboo about this, which is added to the lack of knowledge about the female body, which makes many feel afraid of losing it inside the vaginal canal, something anatomically impossible.

Among the disadvantages are the leaks that occur more frequently during the first months of use and as long as a vacuum is not created inside the vaginal canal.

In addition to this, access to drinking water and soap is required, with minimum sanitation conditions, which makes it unfeasible in certain contexts and implies a little more effort for its maintenance.

Martha Patricia Quintero García, a functional gynecologist who is an expert in hormones, points out that the menstrual cup is a friendlier material, but many women are allergic or very sensitive to silicone.

“If they don’t change it every 3 hours, there is still accumulated, degraded blood, which is a culture,” he points out.

These can last between three and four years if washing and drying instructions are followed, which may depend on each brand.

In the case of Xiua feminine ecology products, the recommended usage time is five to six hours, maximum eight. “The idea is that they have at least three for each day with an average flow, but this changes depending on the type of flow,” explained Sua Renata García Ocampo, founder, creator and director of the brand.

In both reusable pads and menstrual underwear, the material that comes into contact with the skin is cotton, mixed with absorbent techniques and fabrics.

This market has also become more dynamic and there are more and more alternatives that you can find.

With them, waste is not generated either, the cost is reduced, but the time that must be invested in cleaning it may not suit everyone’s lifestyle.

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