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Traditional letters of recommendation are still valid

  • In the United States, more than half of employees are hired based on recommendations from their former jobs, according to an Oxford study.

  • When selecting a candidate, companies ask recruiters for letters of recommendation to learn a little more about the applicant’s work.

  • It is important that in a recommendation letter it is always letterheaded and signed by hand with a black pen and never with red.

In Mexico, the current situation that the country is going through has caused that there is more and more competition when it comes to looking for a job, that is why selection processes have become more complicated. In fact, Human Resources takes an endless number of points into account every day to find the ideal candidate, which is why a good recommendation could make a difference in your application, especially if it comes from your direct boss.

Letters of recommendation are a basic element when looking for a jobespecially since they are part of your cover letter.

In theory, when you leave a job you should not forget to ask for your letter of recommendation, especially since the future companies to which you apply will ask you for at least one as a reference. Besides, It is best to ask for it when you resign.because your bosses are clear about your performance.

A letter of recommendation usually It must be written by your direct boss or a boss in your area who is above your position in the organizational chart, the important thing is that he is familiar with your job performance. The right thing to do is to ask for it personally, especially since it will be the person your new company asks for references.

Remember that a letter of recommendation must be on a letterhead, start with “To whom it may concern”, written in the first person, be clear about your career, add a description of your functions within the company and signed by hand by the person who writes it. Besides, It is essential that it bear the date and place where the document is being issued..

It is extremely important that you do not trust your LinkedIn, despite being the trend in the networking professional and business, in the end the traditional letters of recommendation They are still considered one of the most credible ways regarding your job performance. And it is that although your interview has been one of the best, it can end up falling at the last minute if you do not have good references. For this reason, it is important that when leaving a company you retire on good terms, and not only for a professional issue but also for an ethical-personal issue.

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