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Traffic light measures speed and turns red when cars are speeding

The traffic light is only red for speeders.

© APA / dpa / Julian Stratenschulte

In a suburb of the Canadian city Montreal, becomes an unusual one Traffic light tested. In contrast to conventional devices, it not only ensures that people can cross the street. She also makes sure that cars allowed that speed limit retain.

The traffic light of the company stands for vehicles Signalisation Kalitec on by default Rot. It only turns green when a car approaches – and it’s the local speed limit 30 km/h adheres to

Fred (“Feu de ralentissement éducatif”), as the traffic light is called, measures the speed of a vehicle about 30 meters before it rolls past. If you drive too fast, you have to stop and they next green phase wait.

Mayor wants to set positive incentives

“As mayor, citizen and mother, I want to continue to improve the safety of our children and citizens”, says Doreen AssaadMayor of Brossard – the place where the traffic light was first tested. “I am proud to welcome this innovative pilot project in Brossard, which will have a positive impact on both pedestrian and motorist safety by rewarding good driving habits”.

Fred’s test phase initially extends over 3 Fun. The aim of the project is to reward exemplary driving behavior. “We are optimistic that (Fred) will be very effective,” so Anthony Lapointeresponsible for marketing Signalisation Kalitec. “Much more effective than a radar that gives you the choice to slow down.” If the project proves successful, the company and the city plan to employ Fred on a permanent basis.

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