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Traffic will increase by 35% after the return to school

Juarez City.- More than 370,000 students of different educational levels will return to classes in Ciudad Juárez today after the Easter holiday period, so vehicular traffic will increase by 35 percent, reported the Road Safety Coordination.

Due to the holidays, during Easter the traffic in the city decreased by 50 percent, and last week it increased by 15 percent, “then the rest of the 100 percent is expected to increase this Monday with the entry of the students to the different educational institutions”, explained Arlín Vargas, spokesperson for the municipal agency.

Given the greater flow of vehicles that will be registered as of today in the streets of Juárez, he recommended that border crossings leave their homes with enough time to reach their destination, that they consider whether there are works on the road they will travel that could delay your trip, always wear your seat belt, do not exceed the established speed limits, have courtesy and respect for other motorists and pedestrians, abide by road signs and follow the instructions of road agents.

He reported that due to the return to school, starting at 7:00 in the morning, Road Safety will carry out the Labor Crucero operation, which consists of protecting approximately 80 schools located on the main streets and avenues of the city, during the hours entrance and exit of classes.

According to the Undersecretary of Education and Sports in the Northern Zone, around 290,000 students will return to classrooms today, while the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) will receive about 35,000 students, and the rest will continue with their upper secondary level studies or technical studies.

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