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Tragic Christmas in La Plata: a man was murdered after a family fight

Sunday December 25, 2022 | 9:20 p.m.

A 35-year-old man was shot to death in a house in the town of Plátanos, La Plata, after trying to prevent his sister-in-law and her partner from entering the Christmas Eve dinner due to an enmity.

The event occurred on Saturday night, in a house located on calle 50 between 157 and 158, where a couple arrived with the intention of sharing dinner and family members denied entry “due to long-standing problems.”

At that moment, there was a discussion in which the victim, identified as Marcelo Cáceres, 35, confronted a man and was shot in the abdomen.

The sources specified that the attacker fired several shots with a 9-millimeter caliber weapon, after which he fled aboard a motorcycle with his partner.

Police officers from the Patrol Command and the Melchor Romero 14th Police Station went to the scene, while SAME transferred the victim, who died before arriving at the Alejandro Korn Hospital.

The case was classified as “homicide” and they indicated that the perpetrators of the act have been identified and are being intensively sought.

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