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trail in the protests

This Owl is convinced that what is happening in Peru is a very complex social phenomenon. On the one hand, there are the legitimate protests of poor rural sectors, ignored for many years by a useless State. There is a contained rage. But it is necessary to be clear and mark the field. There is also a type of radical violence, that which massacres police officers, dynamites police stations, public and private premises, destroys mines, agro-industrial companies, seizes highways, airports, isolates towns and attacks ambulances, who propose ‘civil war’.

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Those must be called by name, these barbarians carry out terrorist actions and many are ex-convict Senderistas now recycled in the Movadef. We cannot hypocritically close our eyes for fear of ‘not being politically correct’. You have to call things what they are and we already experienced these savage acts in the unfortunate decade of the eighties and nineties with Sendero’s ‘armed strikes’, with their attacks and car bombs. They never left. But let’s go to the beginning.

When the failed ‘coup d’état’ of the corrupt Pedro Castillo took place, he tried to take refuge in the Mexican embassy, ​​but they arrested him before going into hiding. The left, the center and the right voted for his vacancy and handed over the presidential sash to his ‘plancha’ member, Dina Boluarte. There was no ‘coup’ by Congress against the Chotano. Pedro committed political suicide for wanting to imitate Fujimori and ‘dissolve’ Congress. Not even a week passed when the riots of violence and destruction broke out with burning of police stations, premises of the Judiciary. The leaders were well-known castillistas and members of Movadef who had had a year and a half of constant activity thanks to the appointments of many prefects with a terrorist past.

That is why Aníbal Torres publicly threatened, months before, that “rivers of blood would flow” if they dared to vacate the professor. The demonstrators demanded the impossible: the resignation of Dina Boluarte, the freedom and reinstatement of Castillo, the closure of Congress and the Constituent Assembly. In other words, before the first victims occurred in Andahuaylas, when they tried to violently take over the airport, they were already demanding Boluarte’s resignation. From then on, synchronized terror actions took place in Ayacucho, Arequipa, Puno and Ica.

In Ayacucho, an entire Senderista command led by ‘Comrade Cusi’ has been dismantled

Sicaria follower of Abimael, a decade imprisoned in Chorrillos. She led the delegation that received President Castillo and met with him in 2022. Íber Maraví, another senderista accused of destroying public property, was “awarded” by the Chotano with a ministry. Today he is a rabid bully in Ayacucho. How many members of Movadef will have infiltrated the state apparatus? Thanks to Castillo, Sendero reinvigorated itself in a sinister alliance with drug trafficking, illegal mining, and smuggling. Those who perpetrate these attacks should not be treated as simple protesters. No. These must be faced as the State faced them in the 1990s.

With Police Intelligence specialists. We are facing an outbreak of pure and hard terrorism in a war against the State, subversives, infiltrators in the protests against the government. They have other plans. They are hallucinating with resuming now with the cliché: ‘Revolution with a Constituent Assembly’. Meanwhile, they are carrying out their old terror strategy from the 80s dictated by Abimael himself, which is to isolate important regions in the country, such as Ayacucho, Arequipa, Cusco, Madre de Dios and others with deadly roadblocks, while they try to suffocate Lima with a siege plan. From the countryside to the city, they repeated before and continue to do so today. It is incredible that politicians, in order to carry water for their mills, look the other way and do Shakira’s: ‘deaf, blind and dumb’ in the face of the extremely dangerous outbreak of these scourges. I turn off the TV.


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