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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is said to be one big mess

The premiere of the first new Transformers movie in five years is getting closer, but persistent rumors from people connected to the production paint a dark picture of the situation. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is said to be, at the time of writing, one big mess with almost a dozen different teams working feverishly trying to cut the film together. Without success. Insider Jeff Sneider was recently interviewed on The Hot Mic-the podcast and told me about the many problems that production is currently facing. He had the following to say:

“They’re getting a little worried about ‘Transformers.’ I wanted to caution you in this draft. This is what they said, they said that ‘Transformers’ has gone through close to a dozen different editing teams that have argued about different cuts of the film.”

Sneider also goes on to explain how Paramount is currently only trying to save what they can.

“I’ve got to be honest: A few weeks ago, a friend who’s a source of mine who has connections with that studio and people involved in that situation told me the same thing. He had heard that the movie’s a mess and that they’re trying to fix it.”

Exactly why the situation has been allowed to degenerate in this way is not clear, but according to information, for example, the movie trailer shown at the Super Bowl was old recycled material unrelated to Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. Which in itself sounds completely crazy. Anyway, we’ll just have to see on June 9th when the movie premieres and hope for the best.

What do you think, is there any hope for the film?

George of the Jungle?
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