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Trapped on Snapchat, an Algerian teenager killed in Belgium

A new drama has just shaken the region of Liège in Belgium, but also the members of the Algerian diaspora. Indeed, last Friday, a 14-year-old girl was found dead in the region of Ougrée in Brussels. According to the first elements of the investigation, the deceased would have been the victim of “Grooming”.

Indeed, on Friday January 6, the lifeless body of a 37-year-old man was discovered hanging from a barrier in Plainevaux. Especially around 8:00 a.m. Following the investigations launched, the investigators managed to free a two-and-a-half-year-old girl, who was locked in a car near this first place.

At the end of the morning, the police elements also made the discovery of another corpse, in a path which is along a wood in Ougrée. The latter belongs to a 14-year-old girl. Moreover, according to the Liège public prosecutor’s office, the three facts are linked.

Algerian woman killed in Belgium after being trapped on Snapchat

As the investigation is still ongoing, the incident has already been qualified as intentional homicide. Indeed, according to RTBF, which quotes the prosecutor of the Kings of Liège, the two young girls were reported missing last Thursday. The victim would have been contacted via social networks, in particular on Snapchat, by the 37-year-old man, who offered to go shopping together. The girl would have accepted the proposal of her killer and would have taken her little sister with her.

In addition, the Consulate General of Algeria in Brussels has published a press release in which it sends its condolences to the family of the victim of this painful crime. The Algerian consulate in Brussels indicates that the girl is called “Malak” and is 14 years old.

What do we know about the prime suspect?

The main suspect, in particular the man found hanged, is Olivier S. According to the first elements of the investigation, he is a father of three children. And is already known for the judicial services, in particular for his conviction of five years after having tried to set fire to the home of his ex-partner.

According to one of his cousins ​​who confided in RTL, the main suspect had alcohol and drug problems. And before committing the irreparable, he planned to move to Switzerland. In addition, according to the prosecutor of Liège in Belgium, the video hearing which concerns the sister of the victim, being the only witness for the moment, could not take place, in particular because of the age of the latter.

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