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Trends in educational technology for 2023

  • The Population and Housing Census recorded in 2020 that in Mexico, 94 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 14 attend school.

  • The metaverse will also be involved in educational technology.

  • Basic education is made up of Preschool, Primary and Secondary levels.

within the trends listed for 2023 is the technology educational who has several proposals to present both in teaching as well as didactic activities and learning.

It is ideal for education to continue presenting new study alternatives, since in this area there must also be continuous rotation since practically every day new technological models emerge that can significantly influence the educational sector.

For some people, the new trends that appear in education are disturbing since there is a normality with the teaching method conventional, due to this, some different methods have been surprising and unacceptable, such as the “homeschooling translated in Spanish as “home education” which is an educational option adopted by certain people who decide to educate their children at home, outside the traditional educational system, although they do so following their own methodology and pedagogy, this alternative is used because certain parents reject the traditional “normalized” educational system, this has become very popular due to the pandemic covid19 who practically took charge of forcing schools to work under this method.

Trends in educational technology for 2023

For this year, certain technology trends have already been contemplated that will have an impact on education, this will be reflected both in the teaching method and in certain didactic activities, in addition to the learning.

Technological trends in learning method

personalized learning

Each person learns differently, so it is necessary to have a specific management for the needs of each student and thus detect what should be focused on.

mobile learning

Smart devices are no longer used solely for entertainment, as today they are an essential tool for learning.


Kindle with adjustable light

Ubiquitous Learning

Different media are involved in this learning, since it is necessary to investigate different sources to give the necessary support to students, with this they have the support of being informed on different digital platforms.

Technological trends for educational innovation


This phenomenon of the metaverse is coming with more force and is a trend that appears in different sectors, among them, in education, students will have the opportunity to learn through simulations, which boosts their creativity and skills, in addition to the fact that these experiences are key to promote their activities in the best way since the practical and visual dimension is strengthened.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is here to stay and aims to facilitate certain functions, it is part of the digital age and with it you can even help students, since AI offers an immediate and personalized response for each student because through this they can solve certain doubts that could arise, this through the famous chat bots.

immersive technology

Several things are involved in this, since it is a combination that includes Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (RM) and Virtual Reality (VR) since they are elements that will continue to be considered within the spectrum of education, since they have a lot to offer in the teaching and learning method.

3d printers

This technological tool is capable of printing three-dimensional models of different pieces in order to promote the study and materialize their designs through technology or for other options related to creativity, this tool brings us closer to having materials that were only located in industries or laboratories, now you can be within the reach of education, so you will be in good hands.

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