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Tricks to apply sunscreen correctly Write them down!

Although winter we should also use sunscreen, in summer it is almost an obligation if we want to protect our skin and reduce the risk of cancer.

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However, along with this recurring practice, many doubts also arise. How much should I put in? How often should I reapply? Is the cream sunscreen the same as the spray?

“It is important that you take into account which parts of the body are going to be exposed to the sun, since those are the areas that need protection, especially the ears, face and sides of the torso. The amount you should use is two extended lines on two fingers and for the body the equivalent of two tablespoons.” Isdin experts comment.

In addition, specialists indicate that the recommended time to apply sunscreen is 30 minutes before leaving home or exposing yourself to the sun; while reapplication time varies, it can be every two hours, every 40 minutes if you swim or sweat, or every time you towel dry.

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“The key to spray sunscreen is to apply it from a distance of 10 centimeters and spread it all over the body with a gentle massage until it is absorbed,” recommend.

In addition, it is very important to take into account the hours of greatest solar radiation to avoid exposing ourselves, they are generally from 11 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon.


A good sunscreen has to protect you from UVA and UVB rays, be resistant to water and have a high sun protection factor (SPF 30 or higher). Only then will you take care of your skin.


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