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Trump calls on Republicans to oppose immigration proposal

Trump calls on Republicans to oppose immigration proposal

“Only a radical democrat would vote for this horrible border bill that only gives a closure authority after 5,000 daily interceptions, when we have every right to CLOSE THE BORDER NOW, which must be done,” he said on his Truth Social network.

At the end of last year, Democratic President Joe Biden asked Congress to approve another large package (of the fifth) of tens of billions of dollars for Ukraine, with the blackmail of including Israel and the alleged “border security” with Mexico, a disaster created by the left for three years, ignoring all the demands of the Republicans and millions of Americans.

A hypocritical proposal

The border states have been forced to almost triple their expenses due to the chaotic situation created since Joe Biden’s first day in the White House.

Republicans conditioned their support on a real solution from the serious national security crisis on the southern border.

A group of Republican and Democratic senators negotiated a pact revealed on Sunday that provides for new emergency authority to close the border between the United States and Mexico when “it is collapsed,” according to Biden.

But the question is: And who opened the border first? Answer: Joe Biden since his first day in office and without having any Republicans.

political game

Now the only thing I know he wants is to promote a political game in favor of the White House when the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, is the favorite to return to the Oval Office.

The hypocritical political proposal of the Democrats in this election year, after three years of enormous chaos, says that the authorities will be able to restrict border crossings if the daily average of migrants reaches 4,000 in a week, but they will be obliged to prohibit them if they exceed an average 5,000 a day – in a period of seven consecutive days – or 8,500 in a single day, reads the text of the bipartisan agreement.

That is, the border will remain completely open and will continue to directly and indirectly cost American taxpayers another $200 billion each year, not Biden or the Democrats.

Republicans and U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson said the bill is going nowhere because conservatives won’t approve it.

Trump, the great favorite for the Republican nomination for the November presidential elections, called on Republicans not to approve this political farce of the left and the extreme left.

Republicans reject proposal

“We need a separate bill on borders and immigration,” Trump says in his message, in which he asks that it not be linked, as blackmail, “to foreign aid in any way.” “The Democrats broke immigration and the border. And they will have to fix it,” he added.

Trump accuses Biden of being totally irresponsible for opening the border wide to migrants.

For their part, the Democrats claim to have expelled approximately 460,000 people in eight months until the end of December, because they did not meet the conditions to enter. But they do not talk about the more than 8 million who have entered through the border

After the immigration disaster created by Joe Biden and the extreme left, Trump promises to restore constitutional order in the country and carry out “the largest internal deportation in the history of the United States” if he returns to the White House, because he estimates that the hundreds of thousands of criminals.

(email protected)

Source: With information from AP.

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