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Trump claims presidential immunity and warns that conviction would create chaos in the US

Trump warns that a judicial conviction will create chaos in the US

“It is very unfair when a political opponent is prosecuted by the (Department of Justice)” of the president in power: Joe Biden, his likely electoral rival, Trump said after a hearing in the Washington Court of Appeals examining his request for criminal immunity.

This “will open Pandora’s box” and “the country will be in chaos,” said the former president, who has consolidated his Republican leadership and is ahead in all the polls, both for the primaries and the presidential elections against surely Joe Biden, according to the indications given by the Democratic National Committee.

Trump lawyers ask for full immunity

Donald’s Lawyers Trump They claim that he enjoys “absolute immunity” for having been president. They cite Supreme Court jurisprudence from the 1980s on civil lawsuits against former president Richard Nixon.

They also argue that he cannot be tried for allegedly trying to alter the results because he was acquitted of this in an impeachment trial in Congress for the events in front of and inside the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

“Authorizing the prosecution of a President for his official acts would open a Pandora’s box from which this nation might never recover“, estimated this Tuesday the lawyer of TrumpJohn Sauer.

The appeal filed by the lawyers of Trump has suspended the proceedings, which could disrupt the trial schedule, which is scheduled to begin March 4, according to special prosecutor Jack Smith, who is investigating the case.

Trump, without any need to be present, appeared in US federal court to argue that, as a former president, he should have immunity from prosecution on charges of alleged conspiracy to reverse the result of the 2020 elections, a campaign undertaken by the left and the extreme left in the country to discredit and disqualify him.

This is the worst antidemocratic action in the history of the United States against a former president and pre-candidate favorite to reach the White House, as Republican senators and representatives in Congress who have closed ranks with Trump have stated.

Trump presented his oral argument before a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Washington DC Circuit.

Trump’s lawyers have tried to overturn the ready-made election interference charges with the important argument that a former president (2017-2021) enjoys “absolute immunity” and cannot be prosecuted for decisions or opinions during his term in the White House.

The largest antidemocratic campaign

It is planned, but no longer certain after another Supreme Court decision, that the clear favorite to win the Republican Party’s presidential nomination for the 2024 elections will be tried on March 4 in a Washington court.

The events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 have become the largest anti-democratic campaign by the radical left to remove the opponent who can defeat him in November from Bidel’s path.

The doubts of tens of millions of Americans about Joe Biden’s supposed 2020 electoral victory have never been dispelled; On the contrary, they increase due to the desperation of the new Democrats and their incessant attempts to eliminate the former Republican president from politics, which demonstrates his widespread popularity and his great chances of a second presidential term.

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who will preside over the trial, rejected the immunity request last month.

Trump appealed the decision and will present his arguments before a panel of three judges: two of them were appointed by Joe Biden, while the third was appointed by former Republican president George HW Bush (1989-1993). As expected, he has all three against him, because George W. Bush has become a staunch enemy of Trump, despite being a Republican.

Things changed when Trump, during the 2016 primary election campaign, called the former Florida governor, Jeb Bush, brother of the former Republican president, “incapable and corrupt.”

The great dilemma

The former president, 77, warned on his social network Truth Social that a rejection of his immunity defense could lead to legal cases against Biden if he returns to the White House: “The least I have the right to is immunity presidential election in the face of false accusations from Biden!” he said.

Derek Muller, a law professor at the University of Notre Dame, considers it unlikely that Trump, the first former US president to face criminal charges, will be able to win immunity: “My feeling is that Trump will have an uphill battle.”

This expert’s opinion is based on the double standard policy implemented by the Department of Justice under Biden. An institution that should be independent for its own function has become an appendage of the White House.

“If I don’t get immunity, then corrupt Joe Biden won’t have immunity either,” Trump said, referring to the 81-year-old Democratic tenant in Washington, a candidate for re-election in 2024, with visibly diminished physical and mental capabilities.

But as if that were not enough, now the state courts in several states have started an apparently planned war against Trump’s participation in the primary ballots in some states, almost all of them governed by the new Democrats and the extreme left.

Already 11 states have refused to remove Trump from the ballot because it is unconstitutional. The clause of the 14th amendment of the Constitution that these courts have seized upon, under pressure from the White House and the extreme left, does not mention the President of the country.

But in case the interpretation is wrong, Trump has not been legally convicted of any conspiracy crime. and less of an attack on the US constitution.

Following the Nevada Supreme Court’s refusal to remove Trump from the primary ballot, his campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, issued the following statement.

“The rejection of another false, bad faith and corrupt attempt designed by Joe Biden to deprive Americans, and Nevada voters, specifically, of their right to vote for the candidate of their choice is not just a victory for President Trump , but for all Americans and the people of Nevada.”

“President Trump remains undefeated in the federal courts against these cynical efforts to interfere in the 2024 election. Courts in 11 states have dismissed similar pathetic 14th Amendment voting cases. Every single one of these ‘election challenges’ “They are blatant attempts to give the election to corrupt Joe Biden and disenfranchise more than 100 million American voters.”

“President Trump is the front-runner not only for the Republican primary, but also for the general election, and his opponents are desperate. Rest assured, he will fight each and every one of these shameful attacks on American democracy.”

(email protected)

Source: With information from AFP and other sources.

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