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Trump continues to open distance with his rivals in the face of the Republican primaries with almost 50 points over DeSantis

Trump continues to open distance with his rivals in the face of the Republican primaries with almost 50 points over DeSantis


Former US President Donald Trump continues as the absolute favorite for the final nomination of the Republican Party for the 2024 presidential elections with an abysmal distance from his pursuer, Florida Governor Ron Desantis, whom he is already almost 50 percentage points behind according to the latest YouGov poll for CBS.

Trump makes a difference with 62 percent voting intention among Republican voters versus 16 percent for DeSantis. The rest of the competitors, from former Vice President Mike Pence to former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, have not reached double digits less than a year after the completion of the voting process, on June 11, 2024.

What’s more, nine out of ten Republican voters demand that the rest of the candidates present their own programs instead of attacking Trump due to the numerous open cases that the former president has against him, among others for trying to manipulate the result of the presidential elections in 2020 that settled his defeat against Joe Biden.

On this last issue, 77 percent of Republican voters say that Trump is being subjected to political persecution and that he in no way acted against the Constitution because they do not recognize Joe Biden as the legitimate president of the United States. Nine out of ten voters believe that “things were better with Trump” and 60 percent consider him the most qualified candidate to face Biden for the White House next year.

Finally, Republican voters rank rising inflation as their top concern (86 percent), followed by violent crime (83 percent) and illegal immigration (81 percent).

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