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Trump guarantees his nomination and Haley finally decides to go home

Trump guarantees his nomination and Haley finally decides to go home

The former Republican president was declared the winner in 14 states of the 15 in dispute.

Trump took all the delegates in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, California, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Virginia, according to all projections.

Vermont, with just 17 delegates, was won by Nikki Haley and added to the District of Columbia: her only two victories compared to the 21 that Trump has accumulated; a predicted sweep.

After your persistence, with zero real possibilities To even get close to Trump’s level of triumphs, the former governor of South Carolina – who was defeated in her own state – announced that she is leaving the electoral race under a shower of criticism from within the conservative wing.

Haley will not support Trump and urged him to seek support from the coalition of moderate Republicans and independent voters who supported her.

“Thank you – MAGA!” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform, using the acronym of his motto “Make America Great Again” and listing the states where he had guaranteed victory.

At the former president’s mansion in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, no one doubted that the former president will be the republican candidate for president.

Given Trump’s overwhelming advance, Haley is expected to announce her withdrawal from the Republican primaries this Wednesday, according to US media. The former president would thus remain the only Republican candidate for the November presidential elections.

It has been a “Super Tuesday” without surprises. Neither the Republican nor the Democrat, 81 years old, have a shadow in the primaries, during which the candidates of both parties are designated for the elections.

“Thank you MAGA!”

The big winner of the night was the 45th president of the United States, who faces all possible attacks from the left and the extreme left.

Trump accuses the new Democrats of using the United States Judicial System for political purposes, which sets an extremely dangerous precedent for democracy in the Great American Nation.

Never before has an American President received so many attempts to destroy his political career and his work in the White House. It has been something unusual and very alarming for the future of the country.

Yet, against all possible accusations and under a ruthless campaign since he was the nation’s commander in chief, Trump has marched to the front with incredible strength and the support of tens of millions of Americans clamoring for his services in the White House.

“It has been an incredible, incredible night and day. It has been an incredible period in the history of our country,” he said to his followers, gathered at his Mar-a-Lago mansion, in Florida.

“Thank you – MAGA!” he wrote earlier on his platform Truh Social, using the acronym of his slogan “Make America Great Again.”

The House of Representatives, when it had a Democratic majority and was headed by his staunch enemy Nancy Pelosi, accused him of having incited an insurrection. A statement that only seeks the political elimination of the former president. However, 91 charges have been filed against him in four judicial processes.

The backdrop is that today the Department of Justice, unfortunately, is pursuing a political agenda as Republican representatives and senators have denounced on multiple occasions. They have called it “Double Level Justice.”

Trump’s strong leadership

Except in two states, Vermont and the District of Columbia, Trump has easily won all those that have held primaries so far. But he also became the first Republican presidential candidate to win both caucuses in Iowa and New Hampshire. Not only did he make history, but his triumphs were devastating by a surprising margin.

The extreme left, which has tried by all means to destroy Trump, is under the great frustration syndrome. The former president’s train advances against all the winds and obstacles along the way. And he adds victories, not defeats. But beyond his unwavering attitude, his leadership remains like a rock.

“Trump is sweeping the primaries.” “It will be us against the entire cheating right in these elections (…). I need your help,” said White House tenant Joe Biden.

Weeks ago, the Biden campaign had already considered Haley’s battle lost.

In theory, the primaries can last until July. But Trump’s team predicts a victory “on March 19” at the latest, after Georgia and Florida vote.

This time, in the rematch with Trump, Biden has all the cards to lose, with or without doubts about the electoral process.

Immigration, economy and foreign policy are the key issues for voters. None of the three favor them, and most Americans disapprove of Biden’s work in Washington.

With these same issues, Trump won the Oval Office in 2016 and in 2020 many voted against Trump’s personality with the influence of the Democrats’ discredit campaigns and the mainstream left-wing press. Biden, at that time, was the expectation and was supported by the shadows of him in the position of vice president during Barack Obama’s government.

In reality, popular support belonged to Obama and not to Biden, an opaque figure in Washington politics and without notable merits in his career. With that direct support and amid countless doubts and criticism, Biden became President.

The economic and political panorama in 2024 is very different and his three years in office in the White House are reflected in all national surveys. Biden has disapproval that exceeds 65% in general; in some points it exceeds 70%.

(email protected)

Source: With information from AFP and AP.

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