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Trump harshly criticizes Biden after his decision not to run for presidential re-election


Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate for the 2024 electionharshly criticized the president Joe Biden after announcing his official withdrawal from the electoral contest.

Corrupt Joe Biden was unfit to run for president, and he certainly is unfit to serve, and never was!“Trump said en la red social Truth Socialafter Biden’s refusal to seek re-election was made public on Sunday.

According to Trump, Biden “only rose to the position of President by lying, fake news, and staying out of his basement.” He added: “Everyone around him, including his doctor and the media, knew he was not capable of being president, and he was not.”.

Former president and Republican candidate, who increased his popularity ahead of the presidential elections after surviving an assassination attemptsaid the United States will suffer greatly under Biden. “But we will remedy the damage that has been done very quickly,” he said.

In his statement, he said: “Look what he has done to our country,” harshly criticizing the current president’s administration.

“Millions of people crossing our border, totally unchecked and unchecked, many of them from prisons, mental institutions, and a record number of terrorists,” stressed Trump, who recently said that would seal the border from day one if he wins the presidential elections next November.

Last Thursday, Cuban-American congressmen Maria Elvira Salazar y Carlos Gimenez They considered that Trump’s arrival to the presidency of the United States, in what would be his second term, could put an end to communism in Cuba.

As a preview of the former president’s policy, in relation to the Cuba agenda, Trump He harshly criticized the recent visit of the Russian Navy to the Caribbean nationduring his acceptance speech for the election on the last day of the Republican National Convention, which was held in Wisconsin.

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