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Trump joins TikTok and reaches more than 2 million followers

Trump joins TikTok and reaches more than 2 million followers

Washington.- The former president of the United States and again aspiring to the White House, Donald Trumpjoined the TikTok platform and posted his first video on the popular social media app.

To reach out to younger voters as he seeks re-election in November against Democratic President Joe Biden, Trump posted a 13-second clip Saturday night showing him in his usual blue suit and red tie attending a fight of the popular wrestling association Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in Newark, New Jersey.

In the video, Trump is introduced by UFC CEO Dana White and leans toward the camera saying, “I’m honored.”

Trump greets the people present in the stands of the UFC stadium and concludes the clip saying: “That was a good ride, wasn’t it?”.

As of Sunday noon, the former president already had two million followers on his online account. @realDonaldTrump.

Embed – Launching my TikTok at @UFC 302.

In April, President Joe Biden signed a bill into law approving a ban on TikTok in the United States if its Chinese owner, Bytedance, fails to find a local buyer for the application within a maximum period of one year. However, the Biden campaign also joined TikTok this year, which has more than 170 million users in the United States.

The US government and lawmakers have expressed concern that China’s government will use TikTok to collect personal data from local users for other purposes harmful to the United States.

Source: With information from AFP

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