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Trump may be the only Republican candidate in history to win Iowa and New Hampshire

Trump may be the only Republican candidate in history to win Iowa and New Hampshire

MANCHESTER — Donald Trump seeks to achieve a resounding victory this Tuesday in New Hampshire that guarantees victory in the first two Republican primaries, an almost certain rematch with President Joe Biden in the November general elections.

Trump could become the first Republican presidential candidate to win open races in Iowa and New Hampshire since both states began topping the electoral calendar in 1976, a clear indication of his strong conservative leadership.

The big question is whether Nikki Haley, his latest rival and former governor of South Carolina, will be able to reduce the former president’s wide margin. But this “supposed rivalry” is being promoted by the left-wing press at the moment, ignoring the real rates of support for Trump in all the polls.

The liberal press creates the show around Haley

The liberal press wants to extend the media show around Trump and make see that it is difficult for him to win, when on the other hand Biden’s great unpopularity of more than 70% is translated by the media as the guarantee of being the Democratic candidate. Trump, according to left-leaning polls, beats Joe Biden by six and eight points, but independent analyzes speak of a much larger margin.

The chaos on the southern border for three consecutive years at a cost of some 200 billion dollars per year, the disastrous exit from Afghanistan that opened the doors to dozens of terrorist organizations in the Middle East, the failed foreign policy of the White House and The economic disaster with record inflation for three years are some of the factors that keep Biden with the highest sustained disapproval of a US president, even above Jimmy Carter, whose acceptance had minimal levels.

Haley has dedicated a significant amount of time and financial resources to New Hampshire in hopes of appealing to its famously independent-minded voters.

Trump’s overwhelming victory in the Iowa caucuses confirms his unattainable lead and his imminent nomination to compete again for the White House. This is revealed by all the national polls and those carried out on Monday in New Hamsphire.

Trump won the New Hampshire primary in his first presidential run in 2016, but some of his allies lost key races in the midterm elections two years ago. Haley must also contend with an opponent deeply tied to the base of the Republican Party and who has focused on winning that state decisively enough to end the competitive phase of the primary.

Republicans call for withdrawal of Trump’s only rival

Trump allies are already pressuring Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, to drop out of the race before the state’s Feb. 24 primary. These calls will intensify if the former president easily wins New Hampshire after his 30-point victory in the Iowa caucuses. Haley finished third in that state, behind Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who dropped out of the campaign on Sunday.

If Haley drops out of the race after Tuesday’s vote, this would effectively decide the Republican primary on its second stop, long before the vast majority of Republican voters across the country have been able to vote. Haley insisted Tuesday morning that New Hampshire won’t be his last round.

“We are going to South Carolina,” he declared to the press. “This has always been a marathon. It has never been a short career.” He noted that he has survived longer than other candidates. “I didn’t get here by luck,” he said. “I got here because I have worked harder and been smarter than the rest. “So I’m going to run against Donald Trump, and I’m not going to talk about any obituaries.”

Haley has too little or nothing to look for against Trump, when he could not even defeat DeSantis in Iowa, who decided to withdraw from the race over the weekend and give his support to the former president. The Republican primaries rather revolve around the publicity that the major left-wing media in the US give to Haley and not what is really happening among voters and in the conservative ranks.

(email protected)

Source: With information from AFP and other sources.

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