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Trump will maintain his previous administration’s policy towards Cuba if he is re-elected

Trump will maintain his previous administration's policy towards Cuba if he is re-elected

Republican candidate Donald Trump will maintain the guidelines for Cuba laid out during his previous administration if he returns to the White House.

Jaime Florez, Spanish-language spokesman for Trump’s campaign, told Martí Noticias that if the Republican wins the election, he will keep the guidelines of its administrationbased especially on “reversing the normalization of diplomatic relations that Barack Obama opened in exchange for nothing.”

Regarding sanctions against Cuba and the embargo, he said that the solutions to these issues depend on Havana, not the United States.

“If Cuba wants to resolve these problems, it has to do the three basic things that we have been asking for for a long time,” he explained.

They are the Release all political prisoners without hesitation nor conditions, Call for free elections with the participation of several parties and with international observation, and stop exporting their failed revolution to other countries, especially other Latin American nations.

“This embargo is a total fallacy, from no country Cuba buys so many things as a purchase from the United States, so this story of the blockade has to end,” Florez stressed.

Regarding the alleged Chinese spy bases on the island, the spokesman said they were unacceptable.

“There can be no military bases in Cuba or anywhere else in the hemisphere,” he stressed.

Trump was declared the official candidate for the upcoming elections on Monday during the Republican national convention taking place in Milwaukee.

Last Saturday, he was the victim of an attack during a rally in Pennsylvania, where he was shot and injured in the right ear. This incident has given a political boost to his presidential campaign, which Trump is taking full advantage of.

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