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TruthGPT: Musk warns against lying ChatGPT, own AI is “best option”

With TruthGPT, Elon Musk wants to offer his own intelligent chatbot and compete with Microsoft and Google. This should give people the opportunity to get correct answers. Musk announced this to Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Only in March Musk had the company X.AI Corp. Registered.

According to Musk, AI systems like ChatGPT are currently trained to lie – also due to outdated data with which the GPT-3 language model behind ChatGPT is trained. “I’m going to launch something I’m calling ‘TruthGPT’, or a maximal truth-seeking AI that’s trying to understand the nature of the universe,” Musk said in the interview.

In his view, AI has the potential to destroy civilization. It could affect our view of public opinion. Elon Musk himself signed the open letter in which experts called for the regulation of AI. In addition, they called for a forced six-month break for the development of powerful AI models and “a step back from a dangerous race towards ever larger, unpredictable black box models”.

TruthGPT “in Musk’s view could be “the best way to be safe” where people are “unlikely to be wiped out.” For his venture, Musk according to information from Reuters already poached AI researchers from Alphabet.

Above all, Musk had criticized the company OpenAI, which was taken over by Microsoft and which he co-founded in 2015. After a conflict with the managing director Sam Altmann, Musk left the company in 2018. Musk describes the fact that he himself co-founded the company OpenAI behind ChatGPT as ironic. “The more ironic, the more likely it is,” he told Carlson. After the announcement, fraudulent websites have already appeared, which are apparently intended to trick potential investors into the company.


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