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Try these amazing home remedies to keep mice away without killing them – you’ll never see them again!

It happens to find some mice around the house and we can use many methods to remove them. But if we don’t want to harm them, then let’s try these home remedies. Let’s figure out what to use.

Not only in the summer but also during thewinter we could meet a little mouse around home.

The cold pushes these small rodents to look for a warm place. And our apartment could be just the perfect place.

The small size and their physical composition, allows mice to slip even in small openings or crevices. We never underestimate even the most trivial signal that indicates their presence.

We may end up with the rat-infested house since they reproduce very quickly. But they are also carriers of dangerous diseasessuch as salmonellosis. In fact, they could pass them on to humans and pets.

Mice are always on the lookout for food

If we see threadbare threads, chewed furniture and droppings lying around the house, then we probably have to go looking for a little houseguest.

Unwelcome natural remedies

Mice are always on the lookout for food, so you need to keep your house clean, pick up crumbs from the floor and all surfaces, and keep food packages tightly closed.

There are many methods to avoid that these little animals they enter the house. Of course it is always better to use home remedies to avoid killing them. For example, we could buy gods bollards which emit annoying ultrasounds. These little tools disorient the rat without harming him.

Or we could try some essential oils (mint, lemongrass, eucalyptus). Natural products, which, thanks to their pungent smell, keep these little animals away. Pure the pepper would perform the same function.

Try these amazing home remedies to keep mice away. Also useful in the kitchen

But some plants could also be right for us. Let’s talk about herbs which are also necessary in the kitchen to flavor dishes.

In particular, the savory it is an herb that also repels harmful insects and mosquitoes. His perfume is very unwelcome to these annoying animals.

We are talking about a very rustic plant, which does not fear the cold and very harsh temperatures.

Another aromatic herb that we always use in the kitchen islaurel. Perfect for adding flavor to meat, fish and vegetable soups. The mouses they can’t stand and they hate the its perfume.

But where to place them? We put the two seedlings near windows or doorsor some of their leaves in the closets. In this way rodents will avoid visiting us. Try these amazing home remedies to keep mice away without spending a dime.

There are many methods to prevent these little animals from entering the

What time do the mice come out?

We therefore know that mice are always on the lookout for food. But why is it not easy to see them?

During the day, their mobility is very low. In fact, they prefer to stay hidden until sunset. In the dark, however, they come out of their burrows in search of something to eat. They are very habitual little animals, therefore, we can look for them right now.

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