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Try this remedy to get rid of the fried smell from your hair without washing it – it’s amazing!

Remove the smell of fried food from your hair without washing

When we cook, it is easy for hair to become impregnated with bad smells, one above all that of fried food. Eliminating it is not obvious, but you can do it with a very simple natural remedy. You may already have it at home, because you’ve used it so many times in your recipes. Let’s see what it is and how you can use it.

It is not easy to be able to keep your hair clean and shiny. In no time at all it gets dirty, even while performing everyday actions. Cooking is one of them; many like it, others do it out of necessity. But with winter we often keep the windows closed and allow the bad smells to spread around the room. And our beloved hair can only be filled with that unbearable smell. To get rid of itFortunately, you won’t have to resort to prohibitive or particularly expensive methods. You one product will suffice of the pantry that you have probably already successfully experimented with in a delicious grandmother’s cake.

Try this remedy to remove the smell of fried food and your hair will thank you

To be able to cook fish, fries and any other dish without having the fear of making your hair smell bad, just resort to the natural remedies. By now we know it well: these are simple and generally safe solutions. They also cost little and are applied immediately. What we will need today will be nothing less than thecornstarch. To proceed you will have to distribute a small dose on the hair and massage it upside down. Finally you will only have to shake your hair and brush it gently. By doing this you should be able to neutralize unpleasant odours once and for all, without even needing to shampoo. Try this remedy to remove the smell of fried food and finally restore shine to the hair.

Distribute a small amount of cornstarch on the hair to neutralize unpleasant

How to remove the burning smell from hair dryers and straighteners

Hair health hazards aren’t just found in the kitchen. Even in the bathroom you need to pay attention to how you treat them. In fact, many tend to use e abuse of straightener and hair dryer in the beauty routine. The risk is not only to weaken them, but to make them smell of burning. In addition to measures such as limiting the use of these products in everyday life, you can get rid of this bad smell with a practical remedy. In these situations it is in fact very usefulalmond oil.

To get rid of the bad smell of burning on your hair use almond

Its effect will not only give breath to the smelly hair, but will help rehydrate it. You can apply a few drops directly on the hair, from the middle to the tip. Let it rest for at least 15 minutes, then rinse well and proceed with the usual washing in the shower.

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