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TSJ appoints a judge allied to the regime as the new president

TSJ appoints a judge allied to the regime as the new president

CARACAS. – The supreme court of justice (TSJ) appointed Judge Caryslia Beatriz Rodríguez as the new Chairwoman. The decision was made in the Plenary Chamber on Wednesday, January 17.

The judge was president of the Electoral Chamber, the body that signed the ruling according to which the elections were annulled. primaries where the opponent María Corina Machado won, in October 2023.

Rodríguez will replace Gladys Gutiérrez. “All of us, together, are going to achieve great victories as required by this stellar moment in the country’s history,” said the new president of the TSJ after her swearing-in.

The Court’s website indicates that Judge Caryslia Rodríguez Rodríguez graduated as a lawyer from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) in 1993 and has studied Contentious Administrative Control of the Conduct of Public Power and military criminal law.

Judge Edgar Gavidia Rodríguez was ratified as first vice president of the TSJ. For her part, Judge Tania D ‘Amelio, who was rector of the National Electoral Council (CNE), was elected first vice president of the highest court.

Ruling against primaries

Former prosecutor Zair Mundaray rejected the appointment of Caryslia Rodríguez Rodríguez as president of the TSJ.

“The movement leaves no doubt about the dictatorship’s position regarding the electoral scenario. It appoints as president of the TSJ the person who has been presiding over the Electoral Chamber, responsible for the ruling against the primaries. The first Vice President was a member of the Fifth Republic movement, has been in the TSJ since 2014 and is the brother of Walter Gavidia, Cilia Flores’ ex-husband. Second Vice President, Tania D’Amelio, former rector of the CNE and former deputy of Chavismo,” said former prosecutor Zair Mundaray.

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In 2021, the new president of the court was acting mayor of Caracas with the support of Maduro’s party: the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

For its part, the Popular Will party (VP) indicated that Rodríguez’s appointment confirms that the highest court is at the service of Maduro.

“The person responsible for the ridiculous sentence against the primaries, a PSUV activist without the minimum requirements to be a judge, is the new President of the TSJ. One more proof that the Judiciary in Venezuela is nothing more than the Miraflores law firm and responds to the guidelines of the regime. “A new example of the dictatorship’s lack of commitment to comply with the electoral guarantees contained in the Barbados Agreement.”


Source: TSJ

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