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TTC Sparkasse Bludenz Start of the second half of the team championships

©TTC Sparkasse Bludenz

With 2 wins, a draw and a defeat, the TTC Sparkasse Bludenz started the spring round of the team championships.

There was a clear defeat for 1st team with Ronny Fischer, Markus Küng and Patrick Schnetzer against Lustenau 1 in the state league. But the game wasn’t as clear as the result looks. Bludenz unfortunately lost 4 five-set wins very narrowly. Only Markus could win a game.

There was a clear home win for them 2nd team with Wolfgang Kunze., Martin Haslwanter., Dieter Krönung and Rene Strohmeier. Since Frastanz 1 could not compete in full, Bludenz had a clear 10:0 win.

And ours too 3rd team (image) with Heinz Jussel, Josef Bickel, Hans Rein and Sandro Sonderegger started the second half of the season with a win against Gaissau 2. After a great fight and some luck, there was a close 8:6 success.

And ours too 4th team was in use in the 5th class. They played away against Lochau 3. And our youth players Jonas Loretz and Alexander Tomaselli still have to learn the hard way against experienced players. But their teammates Sebastian Florea and Christoph Berchthold won all their games, and so it was a 7:7 draw.

Training Tuesday and Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Information at

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