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Turin apprehensive: Praet stops

In yesterday’s Premier League match Dennis Praet suffered a blow to the hip and this forced him out

Yesterday Leicester returned to the field after the winter break and had to face Newcastle. The match ended 3-0 for the black and whites who left no way out for the Foxes. Dennis Praet managed to be selected in the starting eleven and started the game playing as a right winger in the 4-2-3-1 formation chosen by the manager. However, the Belgian midfielder was injured during the match. A hit to the hip forced him to leave the field and give way to number 17, Perez, on the 17th minute of the first half. Toro is apprehensive about the midfielder who is the main target of the winter transfer market. In fact, the grenades are in desperate need of reinforcements in midfield and the return of Dennis Praet is the preferred option for both the coach and the club. The injury doesn’t seem to be serious, however the player will undergo tests to try to understand the extent of the injury.

Dennis Praet

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