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Turin, how the market strategy changes after Pellegri’s knockout

The umpteenth injury of the grenade striker could push the club to change plans and priorities on the January transfer market

On Tuesday 27 December, during training in preparation for the friendly match against Monza, two pieces of news arrived: one good and the other bad. The good one is the return to the team of Nikola Vlasic (already on the pitch and scoring yesterday in Monza), a true leader of the grenade, while the bad one is the umpteenth injury of Pilgrims, stopped by an injury to the hamstring of the right thigh. Recovery times are uncertain, but the grenade are thus left with only one first striker on the doorstep of recovery (Sanabria), and market strategies could change.

Priority in midfield

Turin’s squad is not complete, and the first department where reinforcements are needed is that of the midfield. At the moment Linetty and Ilkhan are injured, Ricci has just returned, Adopo and Garbett could leave on loan and above all Lukic’s situation needs to be understood. If the Serbian were sold, then another midfielder would certainly arrive, but even if this were not the case, the coach Ivan Yuric he asks for a midfielder from this summer and could be satisfied. A hot name in recent days is that of Hungarian Peter Barath. However, with Pellegri’s injury, in addition to Sanabria, Toro can count on a great trocar, with Vlasic who can also play as a striker, but it cannot be ruled out that the coach wants another striker in a real role. There would be a need, counting the fact that the Croatian considered his two strikers sufficient, but he has almost never had them both available together.

The other departments

Other departments to keep an eye on are the door and exteriors. Berisha could leave in goal, and Gemello should become the second goalkeeper, but an opportunity could also come from the transfer market. On the outside however, with Aina and Singo still in the boxes (and with the first expiring and the second possible valuable piece of the next market), it will be necessary to think of an operation in perspective. Bayeye has not yet been loaned out, and Taurus has become interested in Mazzocchi della Salernitana, to take it immediately and have it ready for next season (like Ricci last year).

Urban Cairo

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