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Turin Spring, the grenades enjoy the top of the standings

After a difficult month thanks to two victories in a row, the grenades have raised their heads and are now first in the standings with Lecce

The Spring of Turin, after a cloudy period, has returned to see the light of the sun again. This was possible thanks to the two consecutive successes against Cagliari and Atalanta. The two victories obtained in the last few weeks have allowed the grenades to emerge from a negative period, in which the boys led by Giuseppe short they struggled to collect points. A moment characterized by a small crisis, similar to the one that the Torellis had already experienced several months ago, since they absurdly lost a derby against Juventus. After that crushing defeat against their cousins, Primavera Granata collected other negative results, thus questioning all the work that had been done up to that moment. At that juncture, Scurtu’s team was very good at not getting carried away by negativity, remaining united with the sole aim of getting their heads back up as soon as possible, and so it was. After several beatings, and after having faced 20 difficult days, the granata managed to win again and score points. Kind of what’s happening now. With the grenades now enjoying first place in the standings together with Lecce of the former grenade Federico Coppitelli.

The grenade Spring flies thanks to the great work of Ludergnani and Scurto

Scurto’s team now knows that there will be no more brownouts and is working to ensure that there are no more negative surprises. Torino Primavera wants to continue winning starting from the next league match in which the granatas will face theInter. The Torellis never want to stop dreaming and if they can do it, a large part of the credit, in addition to being theirs, goes to the youth sector manager Ruggero Ludergnani and Mr. Scutto. Both managed to try their hand perfectly in the Toro world which before their arrival was going through a difficult period with the Granata Spring which, after two seasons spent fighting not to relegate, is now returning to where it deserves to stay. So a big round of applause must be given to both Ludergnani and Scurto, who have the merit of carrying forward a very important and ambitious project.

Joseph Scurto

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