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Turin transfer market: Hien, no even for the summer. The ds of Verona: “she did not go through”

Turin transfer market / The defender has rejected the offer from the Granata club: the negotiation will not reopen even at the end of the championship

“This marriage is not to be done”, the brutes said to Don Abbondio in The Betrothed. In this case, the marriage that will not take place is that between Torino and Isak Hien: the Swedish defender has rejected the offer from the grenade club to move to the Mole from July and there seems to be no hope that the deal will reopen later . The confirmation came from the sporting director of Verona, Sean Sogliano.

Turin transfer market: Hien’s no is definitive

“Torino had proposed to include Hien in the Ilic deal: it didn’t go through. But I’m not disappointed with this. Should it continue like this, it will be an investment that will bring results” explained the manager (as well as a former grenade footballer) at the press conference. At the end of the season, the Swedish defender will in all likelihood leave Veneto, even if the Gialloblù are saved, but he will not take the road that leads to Turin.

Isak Hien, close-up

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